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Industry Description

The goggle industry is an international market, while seasonal it does operate year round in
both hemispheres. The goggle industry is an 85 million dollar industry. Roughly 1.1-1.3 million
units are sold per year. The industry has grown steadily going from $68 million during the
2011/2012 season to over $84 million during the 2013/2014 season.

Competitive Analysis
The industry is dominated by five major brands. With every other brand outside of this top five
controlling 3% or less of the market. (In terms of dollars sold). Of these top five, two brands
stand out distinctly and the number one brand controls nearly half of the market on its own. As
seen below:
(2013-2014 season)

Dollar Share (percent of market total)











As can be seen by these figures, Smith and Oakley dominate the market in terms of dollar
share. A more significant analysis of the current market reveals however just how dramatically
Smith leads the industry, The next table illustrates the number of units sold during the 20132014 season.


Units Sold











Smiths domination of the google market is massive. Nearly five times the number of units are
sold as the next closest competitor. Smith accounts for not only over 44% of the dollar share of
the market but over a full third of the total units sold.

Information about market

On average (2000-2013) there are 12.24 million skiers and snowboarders per year. Of these our
target demographic are skiers and snowboarders ages 12-24. This is because this age group by
far makes up the largest section of the total market. On average there are 4,928,450 skiers and
snowboarders which fall into this demographic. Which makes up 40.23% of the total market.

This chart shows the number of skiers and snowboarders year to year since 2001.

This chart shows the total number of skiers and snowboarders year to year since 2001.

Size of the primary market

The Primary target market. Which is skiers and snowboarders ages 12-24 consists of an
average of 4.9 million per year. This target segment makes up an average of 40.2% of total
skiers and snowboarders or total market.

This chart demonstrates the size of the primary target demographic (ages 12-24) as a
percentage of the total number of skiers and snowboarders.

This chart shows that target demographic (ages 12-24) as a percentage of the total number of
skiers and snowboarders broken up to show the percentage of skiers and snowboarders.

Expansion of Target Demographic

While tremendously advantageous to include the 25-37 age group as this is where a large
amount of the purchasing power in the market comes from initially brand exposure and
recognition are more valuable than sales. Thus the younger 12-24 demographic is the primary
target whilst the 25-37 being the secondary target market.

This chart shows the market as distributed between males and females.

This chart shows the number of male participants since 2001 as compared to the average
number which is shown in blue.

This shows the number of female participants since 2001 as compared to the average number
which is shown in orange.

Pricing Structure and Strategy

The average price industry wide is $66.56 per unit. However, higher end goggles account for
very significant revenue share. For example the Smith I/O series (I/O, I/OS and I/OX) which
retail for $161.89 accounts for 91,684 units or $14.8 million on its own. Over 41% of its total
sales dollars annually.
Therefore our retail price of $140 with some vendors selling at $120 per unit is opportune
penetrative pricing. This will serve to best undermine Smiths I/O series sales which are our
biggest competitor.
Additionally, pricing for additional lenses will be centered around $45 which is half of what Smith
offers there replacment lenses at. Thus allowing for more loyal customers as cost of ownership
further decreases over time.

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