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Kautsar Achouchen

A2 Film Studies F634:

My film revolves around a man in his early 50s who is writing about his escape from a concentration
camp. The escape took place during The Holocaust. My extract starts off with a quote and then a
man sitting on a wooden chair at a wooden table. There is a lamp on the table illuminating enough
light to show him and his surroundings. The only thing you see is the plain wall and the character
sitting at the table. The man wears a suit and is writing on a piece of paper. As he writes on the
paper, the screen rewinds back to his past and how he escaped from the concentration camp. A
younger boy age 10 is shown running through the woods. A voice over is heard during the entire
5minute clip. He carries on running and looks back. He continues running and then he trips over a
branch and falls. He gets up again and runs. He looks left and right. He sees a bush he hinds behind
it. He crouches down and stays hidden. He slowly gets back up. He looks around and starts running
again. He sees a gap in the bushes and runs through it. He crouches down between two thin trees.
He looks around. He slowly stands up and walks cautiously through the grass. At that moment a
gunshot is heard and everything goes black.

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