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1. How to distrubute a load of 1 million rows into chunck of 10000 rows each ?
Requirement if total number of rows is 10000 then complete the load in 1 executi
If total number of rows > 10000 , say 100000 then divide it into 10 batches and
pass 1 batch at
a time. Once a batch finishes continue loading with second batch.
In source qualifier you have to give logic so as to read only 10000 rows with ev
ery run.
Create a command task after the session you mnetioned above and write pmcmd to s
chedule the workflow to run in 5 minute, on the link (which connects that comman
d task from session) use a condition to check affected rows from source with bel
$PMSourceQualifierName@numAffectedRows =10000
$PMSourceQualifierName@numAffectedRows : Number of records returned from source.
-- Above approach will always read 10000 rows from source, once those records ar
e populated through session the link condition will be checked whether records r
ead from source were 10k or less. If its less then 10k it will not schedule work
flow again else it will shedule the worjflow to run again for next load of recor

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