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Genre Analysis
Alejandra Trevizo
English 1312
September 20, 2014


The nursing program provided at The University of Texas at El Paso

has an immense amount of history, being that it started back in 1898. A Brief
History of The University of Texas at El Pasos School of Nursing, which is
a short video clip created by the college of nursing, helps by providing
information over this particular topic. Leticia Fernandez, Cheryl Howard and
Jon Amastae the authors of Education, race/ethnicity and out-migration from
a border city, also discusses the history involving ethnicity in the education
department as stated in the tittle. Both genres provide valuable information
over a similar and relatable topic, however, they present it differently being
that one is a video and another is a journal.
With their audience being scholarly students, more specifically nursing
majors for the video and students from different ethnicities such as Hispanics
for the journal. Both genres somehow do share audience, in a way, but only to
a certain extent because at some point they provide similar data and discuss
comparable topics. The purpose of both genres is to inform their audience
about the history and the progress of education in the border city of El Paso,
Texas. Yet, they have distinct ways of informing and sharing their
information. The video makes it much easier for their viewers to understand
and grasp the information they are providing by using visuals and
photographs. The journal used logic to deliver the material. It included facts
and statistics, not providing one single image or photograph. By only
providing information, it made it harder to keep on reading because it didnt


exactly grab its audience attention at the beginning. Therefore, the video was
more successful at attracting its audience attention than the journal. Mainly
because the video provided eye catching materials, such as digital images.
When it comes to audience, vocabulary is extremely important. In this case,
the video uses very simple vocabulary such as simulation and develop,
which is very appropriate for their audience. In the journal, the words that are
used are more complicated. For example, propensities and ramifications
are used by the authors. Yet, the vocabulary they used is also appropriate
because it is a scholarly classed journal. Comparing these two genres, they are
noticeable different in a measure of vocabulary and audience, but similar in
When it comes to research, credibility is highly important. It proves
whether the information they are providing is true. When watching A Brief
History of The University of Texas at El Pasos School of Nursing, it
certainly lacks credibility. It just states facts and information without
providing much proof, this makes the audience feel as if they are just putting
out random and possibly fake information. Not only is this an issue because it
does not prove to their viewers if in fact their information is true, but it
doesnt give credit to those from where they obtained their research from.
However, in Education, race/ethnicity and out-migration from a border city,
the authors provide credibility by including in text citations and references
providing proof. These factors impact how the viewers may feel about the


genre. For example, the video did not provide proof in which case the
audience may not believe what they are watching and listening to is true.
Therefore, the purpose of the video is not being fulfilled because it lacks
validation. Yet, it is not safe to say that the video left out credibility on
purpose. Perhaps they forgot to include it, or maybe they did indeed do it
purpose feeling like it was not necessary. In contrast, by providing citations
the journals purpose was successfully achieved by granting truth and security
to their audience.
It is safe to say that both genres are well organized, although they
differ in the way they structure their piece as well as how they make their
point. One major difference is that one uses audio to convey its message, and
the other uses writing language to speak out to its audience. The video is
structured as a slideshow, providing images more than anything and once in a
while including a word or two. The journal is written from beginning to end
without a single visual. Another important factor is color, how do these genres
utilize the tool of color? It is obvious to say that the use of color in the journal
was not utilized as well as it was in the video. The journal has no color, except
for black and white making it less interesting and harder to stay focused.
Whereas, the video showed a great variation of colors emphasizing on orange
and blue. By focusing on the colors orange and blue, they are speaking out to
the UTEP miners. All of these elements influence the way the audience feels.
For example, the video used audio to speak to its audience making its


audience feel relaxed and calm because all they have to do is watch and listen
to the narration. The journal made the audience feel a little stressed about
having to read so much and focus on the key points of the entire journal. With
color being such an important factor, the way it makes its audience feel is also
very important. The way the video used color invoked the audience with
emotions and made the audience feel happy and proud to see UTEP colors in
such a progressive video. Contrarily, the use of no color in the journal made
its audience feel sort of bored and depressed. It is always important to notice
the small details of how everything is present, organized, and structured.
Both the video A Brief History of The University of Texas at El
Pasos School of Nursing, and the journal Education, race/ethnicity and outmigration from a border city, have their own purpose, audience, and way of
portraying their message. Making a decision on which genre was more
effective is difficult, because both genres lacked in certain areas and
succeeded in others. Its audience may believe that the video, that was created
by the college of nursing, was more successful in making its point by not only
entertaining but it also provided the information needed and it spoke very
well to its audience. Even so, Leticia Fernandez, Cheryl Howard and Jon
Amastae did a satisfying job in including credibility, providing their audience
with certainty. Each individual may have their preference on which genre was
the best overall, but it is okay to say that both succeeded in conveying their
message and fulfilling their purpose.


Fernndez, L., Howard, C., & Jon Amastae. (2007). Education, Race/Ethnicity and
out-migration from a border city. Population Research and Policy Review,
26(1), 103-124. Retrieved from

Sharp, Daylee (Producer), & Sharp, D. (Director). (2013).[Video/DVD] El Paso, Tx:

Retrieved from

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