Preguntas Previas de Chiapas PDF

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What is ethnobotany? study of culture, and botany, study of plants) is the scientific study of the
relationships that exist between peoples and plants!

What plant do you know by more than one name (within a language)?cannabis, weed, marijuana,

Name a plant that can be used in more than one way and its uses? opium poppy seedpod bleeding
latex: opium, heroin, and morphine come from the same plant. Opium and heroin are drugs and
morphine is a medicinal drug used for pain reduction, it is used by militaries and hospitals allaround the world.!

What is the Dresden Codex and why is it important in Chiapan math? The Dresden codex
contained astronomical tables, they were some of the most accurate predictions of eclipses in all of
mesoamerican history. The Codex used numbers to calculate where the moon and venus would

How did the architecture of the Mayas differ from that of the Spanish
conquistadors? the spanish architects created big palaces with many archways
and all in one cool, mayans created pyramids and decorated them with color and
carved many shapes into stone.!

Are either of these styles reflected in contemporary architecture in Chiapas?

many buildings have that look of being inspired by spanish architecture:(see

What is the difference between one-point and two-point perspective? Explain and draw an
example. one point has one vanishing point while two point has two vanishing points!

How many languages are spoken in Chiapas other than Spanish? !
Tzotzil! !
Chol! !
Zoque! !
and more unnamed and half forgotten tongues and some that don't fit in the

What percentage of the Chiapan population speaks an indigenous language? 6%!
What percentage of the Chiapan population speaks no Spanish? less than 6%!
What is the Zapatista movement? a militarised political group from Chiapas.!

Por qu la diversidad natural y cultural enriquecen la gastronoma en Chiapas? j!
Qu relacin encuentras entre Historia y Gastronoma? j!
Cules son los alimentos Chiapanecos ms relevantes en la poca prehispnica ? j!
Qu cambios se dieron en la comida chiapaneca con el mestizaje? j!

De qu manera se han modificado las poblaciones en la regin con la presencia de inmigrantes y
a raz de los movimientos zapatistas? j!
Qu ha hecho el Gobierno del estado para proteger la salud de los habitantes en los ltimos 15
aos? j!
Cules son las polticas para promover la igualdad de gneros en en Chiapas? j!

Apoyndose en la lectura de Baln Cann, de Rosario Castellanos:!

Cul ha sido la participacin de las mujeres y los hombres en la sociedad chiapaneca? j!

Cul ha sido la participacin de los indgenas en la sociedad chiapaneca? j!

Ejemplos de la literatura en los ltimos 70 aos: de la generacin del 50 a las jvenes poetas en
lengua indgena.

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