Genre Analysis

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Theatre Essential to Education

Jose B. Romero
English 1312
Paul J. Vierra
The University of Texas at El Paso

Theatre Essence

Theatre Essential to Education

A question has been raised about how important or relevant theatre may be at our
present day and age. It is important to include theatre as a subject which should be included in
the educational curriculum system. Should it be an essential part of the higher learning
educational program? As a response to this question, this genre analysis is going to consider two
opinions presented by two authorities in the field of theatre: Howard Shalwitz, the Artistic
Director of the Woody Mammoth Theatre Company and Dr. Kevin Brown, an Assistant
Professor of Theatre at the University of Missouri. These two scholars express their opinions
about the importance and significance of theatre in the twenty-first century. Genres used to
convey their views are through a blog article and an online scholarly article.
On his online journal article, The Top Ten Reasons Why Theater is Still Important
in the Twenty-First Century, Dr. Kevin Brown, discusses a statement made by Richard
Schechner in a speech given to the Association of Theater in Higher Education in 1992. During
his speech, he declared: Theater as we have known and practiced the staging of written dramaswill be the string quartet of the 21st Century.(The Top Ten Reasons Why Theater is Still
Important in the Twenty-First Century) Dr. Brown argues that considering any changes theater
might have experienced since Richard Schechners declaration, he still believes in ten reasons
theatre is still important. Among these reasons he mentions that theater is a human activity that
expresses the creativity that only people are capable of doing. Theater lends itself to selfexpression of thought and feelings which make this world a better place. It also allows us to
understand ourselves and others, as well as make history to be fun and alive. Theater makes the
human body an important feature of mankind during this age of digital technology, where the
body is important in the designing of the future. It also helps us understand other cultures where
theater examines and enables us to understand social change. Theater, Dr. Brown continues, is a
very important tool for education to make learning fun. Also, it stirs creativity during an age that
favors technology over art.
Audience and Purpose
Dr. Kevins main intention in his presentation is to convince his audience about how
real and essential theatre is to mankind. Theatre exists in every society because humans are the
only ones who can create theatre. His audience might be composed of people who still love
theatre in the twenty-first century, in spite all the changes theatre might have experienced during
the last decades.

Theatre Essence

On his online journal article, 7 Reasons Why Theater Makes Our Lives Better,
Manny Straus comments about Howard Shalwitz remarks delivered on September 17, 2011 at
Woolys Dinner on Stage event. Shalwitz also mentions his reasons why theater matters in this
day and age. He states that theater does not present a threat to humanity to humanity as other
activities humans engage in, such as war, violence, etc. Theater is part of being of being human,
the act of expressing ourselves in character and events. Theater makes people to gather
themselves to witness human performances that allow communication. It also lends itself to
evaluate and accept other peoples opinions. It contributes to education because it helps
audiences to be better thinkers; it contributes to a citys economy, and allows us to reflect on our
own attitudes, values, and behavior.
In this online scholarly article we see how Shalwitz tries to convince his audience
that theatre should be considered as important as any other profession. Theatre according to
Shalwitz is not only a dignified profession, but it also makes different contributions to society as
a whole. His audience are the many visitors to the web who probably are scholars interested in
the survival of theatre performance and teachers interested in presenting theatre arts to his
students in a more attractive way.
Brown and Shalwitz believe theater is still important and relevant in the twenty-first
century. Brown is trying to persuade his audience by giving reasons why he still believes theatre
is important today. His main premise is that the world is a better place because theater still exists.
Theater exerts a positive influence in the world we live in. Shalwitz, on the other hand, though
he has a similar point of view concerning theater as Brown, directs his audience to reflect upon
the advantages and benefits society can draw from the use of theatre. Shalwitz makes a more
personal appeal to his audience on the importance of theater. He sounds more convincing
because audiences would look for something that will make their lives better. The title he uses
catches the audiences attention better by the use of the phrase: Makes our lives better
(Shalwitz, October 27, 2011).
Rhetorical Issues
Both authors sound convincing and give adequate reasons for theater relevance.
Both use subtitles to catch attentions and help their audience to obtain meaning and information
faster. Browns message layout or presentation is easier to read at a glance because of the use
shorter length of paragraphs.
Kevin Browns article credibility lies on how convincing he may be in presenting
this genre. What the author is presenting is his own personal opinion. His audience needs to be
familiar with the points being presented I order to agree with the claim being stated. The author
introduces different elements in his reasoning that are mostly familiar to a reader who might be
acquainted with the different terms he introduces. He does this in such a clever manner that in a

Theatre Essence

few words he even explains the terms with which his audience may not be familiar. He presents
his ten reasons using reverse numerical order, probably to catch his audiences attention. The use
of a larger font in the subtitles makes his material easier to read, comprehend, and assimilate.
Howard Shalwitz articles credibility is based on his knowledge of the work it takes
to work in the theatre. As well as how he was the Artistic director for the Woolly Mammoth
Theatre Company. Meaning he has true experience working in the world of theatre. Shalwitz
makes every point he addresses easy to understand, as he uses layman terms in the description of
his paragraphs. A vocabulary mostly used in our daily speaking, which allows the reader to
comprehend the claim being stated. The audience can understand the seven different points,
because he uses real life examples to which the reader can relate and feel the emotion behind the
idea. Though his organization may seem plain, it very well allows you to capture the message.
Both genre, include an introduction which explains why these two articles are
presented online, but Howard Shalwitzs layout will make any reader or audience think twice
before he starts reading. The lettering is so hazy and small that the reader has to enlarge the
screen and almost discourages anyone to find out about its content. It does make use of sources
to back up credibility. Both genres are personal opinions, but Shalwitzs article makes sense and
is convincing in the way it is presented. Every subtitle is part of the whole paragraph presented
and makes it harder to separate the different ideas being expressed.
Both genres are presented as factual reasoning on the part of the authors. Theres
scarcely any sentimental or emotional appeal except, except for the words fun and STEAM,
used by Dr. Brown . Shalwitzs article does not make an emotional appeal except for the words,
does not do harm and basic human need.
The blog and online article genres make use of logos mainly. Every author
convinces about theatres importance in the twenty-first century. Their reasons sound convincing
through the use of comparisons which make reasoning logical and convincing. Brown uses
familiar terms that most people understand. Shalwitz sounds more convincing and logical
because he does not only make good use of reasoning, but explains and uses more examples of
how theatre makes peoples lives better.

Theatre Essence

Structure and Delivery

The subjects presented in both genres are similar: Authors present reasons why
theatre is still relevant in our present time. There is an introduction in every article to describe
which sources they come from. Browns articles presentation is in form of briefs to-the-point
paragraphs. The length does not affect the soundness of the message delivered. It is plain, easy to
understand, and convincing. Shalwitzs article contains the same features as Browns, but it takes
more time to read and assimilate. It is quite convincing and clear.
Analyzing these two articles thoroughly, the conclusion was made that it is much
easier to obtain information from an online scholarly article than a blog. The flaw that was
encountered in these articles, is that majority of the time the information comes from a secondary
source. Both genres sound logical and convincing though their presentations may differ a little.
Browns article is expressed in a simple, attractive way, and the use of simple and clear language
makes its reasoning easy to accept by mature and young audiences. Shalwitzs online article is
clear and appealing to any audiences, but its length may discourage readers to even try to start
reading. The language is clear, convincing, logical, and is worth trying to read.

Theatre Essence


Brown, K. (2014). The top ten reason why theatre is still important in the twenty-first century.
TCG Circle. Retrieved from

Shalwits, H. (2011). 7 reasons why theatre makes our lives better. Theatre Washington
Retrieved from

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