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Stefanie Carranza

Professor Suk
Education Field Experience EDUC 230-01
Fall 2014
Rationale Statement
Statement of Standard 6: Assessment
The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in
examining their own growth, to monitor learner progress and to guide the teachers and
learners decision-making. (NJPTSB, 2014, pp. 28)
Name of Artifact: Assessment for Lesson Plan 1
Date of Artifact: Fall 2014
Course: Education Field Experience EDUC 230-01
Rationale Statement:
This artifact is the Assessment for Lesson Plan 1. My assessment is made up of
several different components because my lesson plan was in essence a lesson plan for a
unit so I ran with that idea and created a document with several different types of
assessments along the way. The first assessment asks the students to self-evaluate
themselves while doing classwork with their classmates. I feel that it is very important for
students to reflect on what they learned, how they learned it and what they contributed to
the team. The next assessment is a rubric on the group presentation. In reality, before the
assignment could be under way I would hand this rubric with them to let them know what
exactly I would grade them on and how. This rubric gives them a guideline and a target to
achieve while they are working in their groups. I think rubrics like these can be very
helpful in answering some of the students questions, so that while they are present in
class I can answer any other questions. The third assessment is a test on Africa, including
identifying countries and capitals, filling in exports and imports for certain countries (the
ones we went over in class), and an open ended question with specific directions on what
to include in the answer. Creating this part of the overall artifact was the hardest and
longest portion. I tried very hard to make sure that the test was doable, held to the
original objectives of the lesson plan, and time-sensitive. The last two assessments are
part of the project at the end of the lesson plan.
As you can see most of the assessments in this lesson plan are rubrics and there is
only one test. I hope to not give too many tests but try to create different ways to assess
my students. Tests are an important tool to use because they provide a clear and concise
way to see if your students are retaining the information, however they lack the essence
to have a student grow cognitively and independently, two things that are very important
to me. Furthermore, none of my rubrics have zeros. I always left that a zero should only
be reserved for students who didnt complete the work; effort regardless of how small
should be credited. To that extent this artifact exemplifies standard six in several ways.
Standard 6.1.4 states The teacher engages learners in understanding and identifying

quality work and provides them with effective descriptive feedback to guide their
progress toward that work, my creation of several different rubrics each with
specifications under the scoring executes this exactly. As already mentioned the creation
of a self-evaluation allows for students to examine their own thinking, learning and their
performance with resonates with Standard 6.1.6 that reads The teacher models and
structures processes that guide learners in examining their own thinking and learning as
well as the performance of others. This artifact also speaks to Standard 6.2.5 that states
The teacher understands the positive impact of effective descriptive feedback for
learners and knows a variety of strategies for communicating this feedback. I would plan
to use such rubrics in this artifact and independently discuss the results with students if
need be. Lastly, the nature of this artifact correlates with Standard 6.3.2, which reads,
The teacher takes responsibility for aligning instruction and assessment with learning
goals. I created this artifact to match all components of the lesson plan and revert back
to the objective and New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for Social Studies.
In conclusion, I believe this artifact will be a great tool to use in my future. I can
use this artifact to help demonstrate my understanding of the Professional Standards for
Teachers in interviews. Once I am a teacher, as previously stated, I will be able to use
these styles of assessment to help hold my students accountable and to monitor their
progress throughout a unit. Furthermore and most importantly I can use the same type of
self-evaluation for my students, which will help guide them in examining their own
thinking, learning, and performance.
Board, New Jersey Professional Teaching Standards. (August 2014)
New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers and School Leaders.
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