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Students Name: Nguyen Minh Lam

Address: B413 bis To Ky St, 12 Dist, HCM City

Full Name

: Nguyen Minh Lam

Date of Birth

: June 10th, 1985


: 16 Nguyen Van Luong, Go Vap, HCM City

Telephone Number

: (08) 8917587


: Vietnamese


: Male



College/University Name





Mobile : (093) 8953114



Programming in Java


Languages Known

: Java, JavaScript, XML, UML, C++, and Html.

: MS SQL 2000.


: Windows NT, Linux Fedora Core 6.

NIIT Quarter details:




ISAS topic


Pentium III

Project Topic
1. Grammy Eats
2. Hospital Management


Internet Entertainment

1. Hotel Setup
2. Blue Valley Consulting
3.Blue Valley High



1. Showman House
2. Showman House




Encryption (security
mechanisms Web)

1. LeadTheRoad Inc.

Systems Analysis and

Design (SDLC)

1. Student Management

2. KnowledgeOnWeb

2. Problem Statement 5


Creating Templates

1. BlueMoon
Recruitment Ageny
2. MerryMeeting Event



1. Heartland Home
2. FlyMyWay Airlines


Security (between Java

and .NET platform)

1. McGraw Library
2. Automobiles
3. RedSky Hotels Inc.

Project Details:
Quatter 1
Project 1 (Microsoft Office Access 2003):
1. Project Title
: Grammy Eats
2. Scope of the Project
: Creating a computerized transaction system at
Grammy Eats, the following tasks need to be performed:
Create a database Grammy.mdb
Following are some of the validations that have to be created while
creating the structure of these tables: Item_Details,
Transaction_Master, Transaction_Details, Customer_Details.
Create appropriate relationships between the tables. Create forms
to enable a user to enter data in the tables.
Create a query when executed, displays, and to find out details of
the tables.
Create a daily report transaction details and bill to the customer.
3. SW used
: Microsoft Office Access 2003
4. Remarks
: 82
Project 2 (Microsoft Office Visio 2003):
1. Project Title
: Hospital Management
2. Scope of the Project
: The following tasks need to be accomplished:
Draw a flowchart showing the patients registration process.
Write a function and draw a flowchart that accepts the lab test fees,
the doctor consulting fees, and the beverage fees and calculates the
total bill amount to be paid by the patient.
Write pseudocode that calls the function that calculates the total
bill amount and generate the invoice for the patients.
Write pseudocode that helps is generating the salary slips for
Write pseudocode that helps in storing a patients medical records
that include a complete history of a patient, along with the
diagnosis and the prescription.
Prepare test data for the algorithms and their results.
Prepare a System Manual comprising of the problem statement, all
the flowcharts and pseudocode, some test data, and their results.
3. SW used
4. Remarks

: Microsoft Office Visio 2003

: 78

Quatter 2
Project 1 :
1. Project Title
: Hotel Setup
2. Scope of the Project
: In this case study, identify the following
Functional view.
People view.
Component view.
Software component.

Security component.

3. SW used
: Common Business Applications
4. Remarks
: 75
Project 2 :
1. Project Title
: Blue Valley Consulting
2. Scope of the Project
: Following requirements for the network and
the operating system:
The operating system that is installed on the computers over the
network should provide both file and user level security.
The protocol implemented should be fast and universally accepted.
3. SW used
: Operating System Fundamentals
4. Remarks
: 75
Project 3 :
1. Project Title
: Blue Valley High School
2. Scope of the Project
: The project report must comprise of the
Requirement Analysis.
Logical Design.
Physical Design.
Investment Justification.
Scalability Analysis.
Security Measures.
3. SW used
4. Remarks

: Networking Fundamentals
: 75

Quatter 3
Project 1 (SQL Server 2000):
1. Project Title
: Showman House
2. Scope of the Project
: The project team needs to perform the
following tasks:
Identify the various entities involved.
Identify the attributes of the various entities. The attributes should
completely define the entities.
Draw an E/R diagram to demonstrate the relationship between the
various entities.
Map the E/R diagram to tables.
Normalize the tables to 3 NF.
Identify the primary and foreign keys in the tables.
Draw a diagram to show the relationships between various tables.
3. SW used
: SQL Server 2000
4. Remarks
: 78
Project 2 (SQL Server 2000):
1. Project Title
: Showman House

2. Scope of the Project

: To create the computerized even management
system for Showman House, the project team at Blue Moon Computers needs
to perform the following tasks:
Create a database, the table designs as per the relationship diagram
ensuring minimum disk space utilization.
The validations to be performed on the tables.
You need to ensure that an event record is deleted from the Events
tables only after all the records from the dependant tables are
The details of all the employees who have managed an event in the
current month need to be stored in a text file.
The users of the database need to perform the following queries
The entire database should be created using SQL scripts.
3. SW used
4. Remarks

: SQL Server 2000

: 75

Quatter 4
Project 1 (Javascript and HTML):
1. Project Title
: LeadTheRoad Inc.
2. Scope of the Project
: Creating a Web site to satisfy the following
All the Web pages need to look consistent in layout, navigation,
and design.
A Web page providing information on latest packages by the
company needs to be included.
A registration form needs to be added to the Web site that will
enable visitors to book airline and hotel tickets online.
A feedback form also needs to be added to the Web site that will
help visitors give their suggestions and queries.
A special section to publish FAQs related to the event on the Web
site needs to be included.
Add the keywords and descriptions to all the Web pages of the Web
The Web site needs to be published on the Web server.
3. SW used
4. Remarks
: 75
Project 2 (Java):
1. Project Title
: KnowledgeOnWeb
2. Scope of the Project
: Creating a user-defined form application to
satisfy the following requirements:
The university management needs to view the list of the students
who have registered for the different courses.
The details of the students are stored in a data file.

3. SW used
4. Remarks

: 70

Quatter 5
Project 1 (Linux):
1. Project Title
: Student Management System
2. Scope of the Project
: The following task-list has been given to you
in order to computerize the existing system:
Create four files, FirstSem, SecondSem, ThirdSem, and FourthSem
to store the semester-wiser record of all students.
Whenever a new student joins the institute, open the respective
semester file and record the following details.
Whenever a student leaves the institute, delete his/her record from
the respective file.
Whenever a student detail is changed, make appropriate changes in
the respective student file.
Implement the following search operations.
Generate following reports of the technical department.
3. SW used
4. Remarks

: Fedora Core 4 operating system

: 70

Quatter 6
Project 1 (XML):
1. Project Title
: BlueMoon Recruitment Ageny
2. Scope of the Project
: The new system to satisfy the following
The system should have a mechanism to allow only authorized
executives to access the resumes of the job seekers.
The system should maintain the details of the resumes sent by the
job seekers in Web-based transportable database.
The system should also maintain the details of the current openings
in the Web-based transportable database.
The system should have a mechanism to display a list of the
resumes of the job seekers.
The system should have a mechanism to approve or reject the
specified resume.
The users should be able to find the currently available
opportunities by specifying the desired location and the job
3. SW used
: Altova Enterprise XML Suite 2005
4. Remarks
: 95
Project 2 (UML):
1. Project Title
: MerryMeeting Event
2. Scope of the Project
: The new system should accomplish the

following functions:
The logon screen should accept a user name and a password and
validate the details against the Users table.
It should provide a screen for accepting and modifying the venue
details from a user.
The system should provide an option for canceling an event. A
customer should be allowed to cancel an event five days before the
date of the event.
The new system should generate the Daily Event Registrations
report and the Event Attendee list in the formats specified.
An affiliate program needs to be created for displaying a list of
upcoming events, applications.
A Web-based interface needs to be created for accepting details
about the attendees for an event.
3. SW used
4. Remarks

: JUDE Community
: 70

Quatter 7
Project 1 (Eclipse):
1. Project Title
: Heartland Home Finance
2. Scope of the Project
: The exact details of the features required in the
application are:
The system should provide a login mechanism. The facilities
provided to any of the staff would be dependent on the role of that
particular person.
All the data should be viewable to all the employees with valid
login, but editing and deleting rights should be with the
administrator only.
The system should also have an interface to generate the relevant
Internal mail facilities for the employees of the company.
Internal chat application for the employees of the company.
3. SW used
: Eclipse, J2EE 1.4 Application Server,
4. Remarks
: 85
Project 2 (Eclipse):
1. Project Title
: FlyMyWay Airlines
2. Scope of the Project

Login module to check the credentials of registered customers.

Registration module to register a new customer.
Core module 1 to create custom tags, create User Interfaces and
implement the search functionality to search flight information.
Core module 2 to implement session management and to
implement OFRS system application functionality such as booking

flight tickets.
Web service module to create a Web service to display hotel
Payment module to manage flight ticket payments.

3. SW used
4. Remarks

: J2EE 1.4 Application Server, J2SDK1.4.2

: 85

Quatter 8
Project 1 (Eclipse):
1. Project Title
: McGraw Library
2. Scope of the Project
: The system should have following modules:
Create the login module containing JSP, servlet, session bean and
entity bean.
Create the registration module using JSP, servlet, session bean and
entity bean.
Create the search module using JSP, servlet, session bean and entity
Create the librarian module to add and update book, CD
information using JSP, servlet, session bean and entity bean.
Create the book issue, return module using JSP, servlet, session
bean and entity bean.
3. SW used
: J2EE 1.4 Application Server, J2SDK1.4.2
4. Remarks
: 50
Project 2 ():
1. Project Title
: Automobiles
2. Scope of the Project
: Create a Web site:

You have been assigned the task of creating a mindmap for the
Web site and presenting the same to the organization.
3. SW used
: Search Google
4. Remarks
: 65
Project 3 (Eclipse):
1. Project Title
: RedSky Hotels Inc.
2. Scope of the Project
: You need to do the following tasks:

Create a Use Case diagram.

Create a Class diagram.
Create Sequence diagram.
Create a Deployment diagram.
Identify existing in build design patterns of the application and
potential design patterns that can be latter implemented in the
3. SW used
: J2EE 1.4 Application Server, J2SDK1.4.2
4. Remarks
: 85

Personal Information:
Languages Known

: Vietnamese, English.

Passport Number

: None.


: Computer, sport, music.

1. Mr. Phan Huu Trong Hien

: NIIT Faculty.

Office Add : Hoa Sen University, Ground Floor, Quang Trung Software Center,
Dist. 12, HCM City.

: (090)3 838 541

2. Mr. Vu Duc Nam


: NIIT Faculty.

Office Add : Hoa Sen University, Ground Floor, Quang Trung Software Center,
Dist. 12, HCM City.

: (090)3 775 209

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