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What impact does the nicotine

have on the mother, baby, and

on both?
Activates the circuitry that regulates
feelings of pleasure , thats called reward pathways
Increases the levels of a brain chemical
Enhance is abuse potential

What impact does the secondary

smoke have?
You have a greater chance of having a baby that
weighs too little and may have health problems
Accounts for 20-30% of low birth weight babies
You inhale poisons such as nicotine, lead, arsenic
and carbon monoxide and they get to the child

Understandable statistics that

might explain how common the
risk of exposure might be

1,000 babies in the U.S. die

each year because their
moms smoked while pregnant
Studies show that 12-20
percent of pregnant women
smoke putting themselves
and their babies at risk

Brittany Steen
Child Growth and Development
Nicotine and Secondary Smoke

What is nicotine?
It is one of more than 4,000
chemicals found in the smoke
from tobacco products

How can a woman be exposed

to the nicotine?
Is absorbed through the skin and
mucosal lining of the nose and
mouth and or in the lungs through
Bloodstream and brain

When is the impact of the nicotine

of greatest consequence and how
does this impact development?
Lung diseases
Asthma symptoms
Cancers of mouth, kidney, esophagus,
pharynx, larynx, stomach, pancreas,
cervix, ureter and bladder

When is the impact of the secondary smoke greatest consequence?

What is secondary
The combination of smoke
coming directly from a
burning tobacco product
and the smoke is exhaled
by a smoker

Causes disease in children and in

adults who dont smoke

How can a woman be exposed

to the secondary smoke?

It is absorbed when a
smoker is next to you
smoking and you inhale it

Affects the heart, blood vessels

and blood circulation
Causes lung cancer

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