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of Wicca
Wicca, witchcraft and Paganism are
victims of more misconceptions than most
other religions.
1) Wiccans worship Satan

The figure of Satan is part of the Christian

mythos. Those of us, who do not follow
Christianity, do not accept the existence of
this character. We do not worship Satan,
nor do we summon demonic forces to do our
2) Wiccans engage in ritual orgies

This misconception may have arisen from

the practice of doing ritual in the nude

(also called skyclad). Not all Wiccans

practice this way, and there is nothing
sexual about it.
3) Wicca is only for women

Wicca has attracted a great number of

women because of the focus on the
Goddess, which is an uncommon
alternative among other mainstream (and
male-oriented) religions. But Wicca is open
to everyone, male or female.
4) Wicca has no rules

This little untruth is often used by our

detractors to show that we must live wild
and unrestrained lives. We may not have
books of commandments to bind our lives,
but many Wiccans do follow one single
law: Harm None. Those two words have as
much power as an entire book of rules. We
refer to this statement as The Wiccan
Rede and it is part of a longer poem.
5) Wiccans cast spells and hexes to control

If we really did this, Wiccans would all be

wealthy, happy and powerful. We believe
that for every action, there is a re-action,
and that includes using magick for
negative manner. Wiccans don't believe in
a punishing God, but we do think that bad
actions will come back and bite us in the
butt (karmically speaking).
6) Wicca is a cult that is trying to recruit people

Wiccans believe that each individual's

path of spirituality is valid, and no one
path is better than any other. We do not
convert or recruit anyone. Proselytizing is
not a practice we follow. As for being a
cult, most people these days are solitary
practitioners and not part of any group.
Its hard to be in a cult when you are by

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