Bussiness Letter SP

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Anna Smith

7433 Spring Side Dr.

S.C, Myrtle Beach, 29588
October 24, 2014
Dear judges:
Hello, judges my names is Anna Smith I was born August 2 1997 I am 17 years old. I am
in Mrs. DeBocks English 4 class as you can tell because I am writing this letter I am
doing my senior project. I have three sisters two are my half-sisters and one my real
sister, I am the youngest of all three so yes I get what I want since I am considered the
baby. My dads name is William Oscar Smith and my moms name is Diane Louis Smith.
The funny thing is I never was born in a hospital, when I was coming my sister Candace
Smith was only 3 at the time she ran down the stairs in our apartment yelling at my
neighbors saying that our mom was having a baby and all the neighbors came out and
called the ambulance and on the way to the hospital I was born at the pole by basket
Robbin. I have two horses named buddy and Jesse two dogs named buddy and joy I had
my horse since I turned 16 and I had my dogs since I was 10.
Animals are the one thing I care more about than anything else, I really dont know why
I care so much about animals but I do, and I know a lot of people have probably done
animal abuse or animal abandonment and yes they are all kind of the same but I feel like
its the matter of how much you care about the subject and how much passion you are
putting into what you are saying and what you are reading, not just a word on a page but
what you really feel in your heart. I am a really shy person when it comes to going in
front of people by myself my voice shakes my hands shake I lose what I have to say all
my words get jumbled up its very hard, I wouldnt say I have social anxiety because I
actually love talking to strangers for some reason, its probably cause its more pressure
getting put on someone when there in front of someone.
Having to do this senior project hasnt really been that bad because, you have time to do
it and it is not all together as if you would do it all at once I like the fact that is scheduled
up separate. The fact that I have not been getting a lot of work from my other classes
helps as well. Up to now I have finished my annotated bibliography and my business
letter, I am really excited about doing the volunteering part of the senior project it will
not even feel like I am doing a senior project because I will be doing something I love a

Thank you judges for you time and your consideration of reading my business letter for
my senior project, and your patience for having to sit and grade a lot of senior projects.
For letting me have the experience of standing in front of you judges on my senior project
due date. Thank you once again for you having patience and willingly sharing time that
you have for us seniors.

Anna Smith

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