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Callahan 1

Erin Callahan
English 4
October 10, 2014

Annotated Bibliography
Research Question: How is society helping with overpopulation?
Working Thesis Statement: Society is helping with domestic overpopulation by working together
to care for abandoned animals.
Refined Thesis Statement: Society is helping with domestic overpopulation by creating non-kill
organizations for abandoned and mistreated animals.

Issitt, Micah, and David C. Morley. "Counterpoint: Domestic Animal Overpopulation Leads To
Ecological Destruction."Points Of View: Domestic Animal Overpopulation (2014): 3.
Points of View Reference Center. Web. 7 Oct. 2014.
This article is important for research because it is centered on the idea that animal
overpopulation poses an economic and social problem for human society. The article starts with
introducing the growing problem of overpopulation and unwanted animals to the reader. Then it
moves onto the many the causes of the overabundance of pets we have on our planet. Next Issitt
and Morleys article talks about the effects that animal overpopulation have on our economy,
ecosystem, and health. The article emphasizes on how this is a growing problem and that we
have to band together to fix. In conclusion the article explains some possible steps that humans
can take as a whole to control these out of control domestic animal populations. Issitt and

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Morleys article will help in research because it will help to explain the outcomes of animal

Rich, Alex K., and Laura Finley. "Point: Overpopulation Of Domestic Animals Is Harmful To
Animals." Points Of View: Domestic Animal Overpopulation (2014): 2. Points of View
Reference Center. Web. 9 Oct. 2014.
Rich and Finleys article emphasizes on how animals are sentient beings who need a
responsible human to look after them. This article is centered on the idea that humans should not
allow their domestic animals to create more offspring than the owner can care for. Controlling
the population is a step that owners need to be more educated on to prevent more unwanted
animals on the street or in inhumane shelters. Then their article states how overpopulation is the
product of consumer preferences. Most consumers prefer to get their animals from breeders or
adoption centers and not shelters where the animals are needed most. Lastly the article talks
about how animal overpopulation is harmful to both the animals and ourselves. Rich and
Finleys article will help aid in research because it explains the importance of responsible pet

Sexton, Jennifer, and Tom Warhol. "Domestic Animal Overpopulation: An Overview." Points
Of View: Domestic Animal Overpopulation (2014): 1. Points of View Reference Center.
Web. 7 Oct. 2014.
Jennifer and Warhols article emphasizes on the problem of overpopulation of domestic
animals in The United States. Their article states that this growing problem is not only a social
problem, but a political one too. It starts by helping the reader understand what animal
overpopulation is all about. Then it moves on to explain all the causes of overpopulation. Next

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the article brings up how the problem politically affects our economy with taxes for the
unwanted pets food, supplies and eventually euthanization, and disposal. Lastly the article also
states facts about the history of domestic animal overpopulation and how the problem has grown
to what it is today. Sextons and Warhols article will help in this research to explain what
domestic animal overpopulation is really about.

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