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Mohamed Maiga

Instructor C. Douglas
ENG 112-78
06 November 2014

Round table essay

Racial profiling, according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting
individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individuals race, ethnicity,
religion or national origin (ACLU 2005). Racial profiling today, touches different
communities throughout the United States, and the victims can be multiple.
Going from citizens, to Police officer themselves ; causing friends and families to
stand up for their loved ones, and defend their common interests.
The event occurs between the police officer who racially profile, and the
actual victim of racial profiling. In between those two stories, a lot of other voices
can emerge. The reason why three of those voices are taken into consideration
today. The voice of police officers, the voice of the victims of racial profiling, and
the voice of the family of the victims.

The victims of racial profiling. Their voice is probably the most accurate you
can think of, since they were part of the scene. Racial profiling, in most cases,
touches Afro Americans and Hispanics only. Them voices are going to be looked
at in particular, since it does not touch a whole comunity of people. This

particularity already helps to narrowing down a litte bit the researches.

Victims of racial profiling share the same viewpoints. They feel unsecure in
a society where they are treated differently, just because of the way they look.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) which helps fighting racial profiling
said, racial profiling has led countless people to live in fear, casting entire
communities as suspect, simply because of what they look like. The victims
want something to be done about it, so they are no longer targeted by
authorities; but the fact that a lot of people usually dont share their experiences,
complicate things. Floyd Weatherspoon, an expert in Afro American males, and
the law and mediation, recently used the term driving while black in an article.
According to him, the term describe the practice of law enforcement officials to
stop African-Americans drivers without probable cause. This practice became so
common, that they had to label it (Racism, 2004).
The victims have this viewpoint, for the simple reason that they personally
think that a country like the United States, which built his supremacy upon
freedom and liberty, should not be the place for such behaviors.

Police officers hold the second viewpoint. In racial profiling cases, they are
the one accused of racial profiling on certain individuals. Reason why it is an
other important voice to take in consideration. The group is composed of all the
states troopers, sherrifs, and Police officers in the street or on the roads, that
enforce the law.
Police officers share the same viewpoints as well. Even though some of them
treat people differently according to their origins, and color of their skin; they
will all agree on the fact that the only crime they are being suspected of

committing, is following the law and doing their job the way it is supposed to be
done. Their viewpoints on the subject is that there is no racial profiling, and all
single one of them are just doing their job.
Racial profiling comes from the authorities, but they have been some cases
where Police officers had been falsefully accused by the victims for racial
profiling, racism and violence. The Truth Revolt organisation In Oakland,
released the body camera footage of a white police officer, who had previously
been accused of I cite racially targeting a black man, and causing him to fear for
his life. The camera footage of the Police officer was telling a whole different
story (Truthrevolt). Showing that Police officer can also be the victims in racial
profiling affairs. This is the reason why they all share the same viewpoints. Even
though they are the one in the spotlight in racial profiling complaints ; in some
cases, they can be the victims of people lying about the actual circumstance of
the events.

Family of victims are my third voice. Their voice, and side of the story is
built upon the story of the victim, so their voice is based only on what they have
been told about the event, since they were not physically part of it. Victims can
lie, Police officers can lie as well, so there is always going to be a certain balance
in the reaction of the families.
Families of victim, share the same viewpoint as the victim. Their reaction is
most of time more scandalous and they are more likely to spread the news and
takes things in hands than the victim himself. Families most of times encourage
victims to speak out their minds, and expose their feelings and sides of the story.

Racial profiling gives a voice to different parties. It for sure touches only a
certain type of community, but at the end of the day, they are not the only victims
of racial profiling. Racially targeting individuals can be harmful for the victims,
their families, but can also harm the values and beliefs of a whole country ; the
United States. Racism has always been an issue, and will probably still be an
issue tomorrow, and the next day ; but that doesnt give the rights to authorities
to juge someone just because they are the way they are.

Work cited

Racial Profiling." American Civil Liberties Union. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov.


Sanchez, Trey. "White Officer Accused Of Aggressive Racial Profiling, Body

Cam Proves Otherwise." Truth Revolt. N.p., 16 Sept. 2014. Web. 23 Oct.

Weatherspoon, Floyd D. "Racial Profiling of African-American

Males..." Racial

Profiling of African-American Males... N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2014.

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