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Ryan Powers

Period 3

Structured Assignment #3

President George W. Bush: He was the president during most of the Iraq war. He gave
the cue for the Iraq Invasion which triggered the start for the Iraq war.

Dick Cheney: He was the vice president of the United States during the Iraq War. Even
Though he was the vice president he was very important the war. He was heavily
involved with the CIA and helped convince members of the bush administration that
Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction.

Donald Rumsfeld: He was the US secretary of defense during the Iraq war and was one
of the strongest supporters of the initial invasion of Iraq.

Saddam Hussein: The leader of Iraq during the Iraq war. His rule was soon toppled once
the troops reached Baghdad. He was captured Nine Months later and then proceeded to
be tried and hung,

Nouri Al-Maliki: Was appointed the prime minister of Iraq on May 20, 2006. He Worked
closely with the Us during his first few years in power and signed Saddam Husseins
death warrant on December 30, 2006

Ryan Powers
Period 3

Works Cited
Fortin, Jacey. "Key Players In The Iraq war: What Has Become Of Them, 10 Years
Later." International Business Times. N.p., 19 Mar. 2013. Web. 11 Dec. 2014.
"Profile: Nouri Maliki ." BBC. N.P., 12 Aug. 2014. Web. 11 Dec. 2014.

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