Quick Plan 1

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Quick Plan #1-Food History and the Relation to Poverty

Section I- Description of the Method

1. Instructional Method- Lecture/Direct Instruction:
This method will be utilized from time to time in order to adhere to the
auditory learners. I do not intend to teach using this method for more
than 20 minutes at a time. I will usually use this instructional method in
the middle of a lesson in order to drive home key concepts and points and
break up other instructional activities. For this lesson I will offer
students a lecture/direct instruction based on the history of farming, fast
food, and their relation to poverty within the United States. It will be an
overview of information that students will utilize in future lessons.
2. Topic and Rationale- Food History and the Relation to Poverty
Lecture/direct instruction is a good method to use for this topic because
it is so vast and must be condensed and delivered into manageable pieces
of information. As it this lesson is quite important for future lessons, I
would want to make certain that students have a firm grasp on the topic.
This instructional method will be a key component to many of my lesson
plans. It is useful for every topic from slavery to Civil Rights. I would be
prone to utilizing this method during lessons on World War I and World
War II.
3. Features and Purposes- Lecture/Direct Instruction (Food and Poverty)
The principle purposes of this method is to ensure that students acquire
the necessary background information required for this lesson. Once
students have this background they will utilize it in future lessons within
this unit. This method is intended to offer guided practice and promote
independent practice as well. Students must understand this information
before moving forward.
4. Advantages and Disadvantages- Lecture/Direct Instruction
This method does have some drawbacks. First it does not adhere to
kinesthetic learning styles, so I will need to incorporate ways for those
learners to get involved. The second issue with the lecture/direct
instruction method is that if it goes on too long, students lose focus and
engagement. I believe my teaching style and the topic will keep them
engaged, but after about 30 minutes the ability to hold their attention
may wane. Advantages to this method include quick and precise delivery
of necessary information, as well as adherence to auditory as well as
visual (via use of visual aids, video clips, etc.) learning styles.

Section II- Implementation of Method

1. Learning Objectives- Students will be able to develop the connection
between food and poverty by connecting key concepts from lecture to
their daily lives in a written narrative.
2. Materials- For this lesson I will need my content knowledge and a power
point presentation. Students will need, pen and paper or a computer
upon which they can take notes and eventually write their narrative.
They will also need open and inquisitive minds to engage in topic
3. The Model- The model of teaching for this lesson is Lecture/Direct
Instruction. This model was chosen because of its strength in delivering
background information and its ability two touch on multiple learning
style. As students will need the content in this lesson for future lessons it
is important that they receive precise knowledge of this lesson.
4. Key Terms./Concepts- For this lesson key terms include, poverty,
industrial revolution, mechanical reaper, factory farming, disparity,
degradation, equality, and social justice.
5. Background Knowledge- Students must understand that a healthy
lifestyle is hard to maintain when one is living in poverty. Students must
understand current health concerns for citizens of the United States.
6. Assessment- Students will be assessed by their participation in a
classroom discussion as well as a written narrative connecting their lives
to the lesson content.

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