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Bullying facts:
In the United States, one in seven children
in school are either bullies or victims of
Bullying is a conscious and willful act of
aggression or manipulation by one or more
people against another person or people

There are different types of bullying
victims: passive victims, provocative
victims, bully/victims
Passive victims are generally
characterized as anxious individuals with
low self-esteem. They are seen as
physically weak. They dont usually do
anything to provoke an attack, and do not
defend themselves.

How to address bullying in

the classroom

Date of publication

An act is considered bullying if the behavior

hurts another person physically or
psychologically, the act is intentional, the
targeted victims have trouble stopping the
behavior, and if the victims have trouble
defending themselves.

Provocative victims are generally

physically stronger than the passive
victims. They may provoke an attack by
having a lack of concentration, which can
cause frustration and irritation around

What are the characteristics of bullies?

Bully/victims are characterized by those

who provoke aggression in others and
also instigate aggressive acts

Girls are just as likely as boys to bully,

though they tend to do so in a different
manner. Boys are more likely to physically
and aggressively bully another person, while
girls tend to use more verbal and
psychological harassment.


According to a psychological study, bullies

tend to score high on self-esteem measures,
and low on empathy.
Some studies even show that there are links
between bullying and the family. The study
shows that bullying can be passed on from
generation to generation, and that bullies
tend to have more problems at home.

Often times, bullies gain power
through public display. This is why
bystanders play such a huge role in
perpetuating bullying. By not saying
anything, bystanders are actually
encouraging bullying behavior.


!) Teachers and caregivers can help
alleviate the victimized childs personal pain.
2) Exhibit positive role modeling to curve
bullying behavior
3) Teach kindness and respect
4) Closely monitor, protect, and befriend
those who are victimized
5) Do not ignore or condone bullying
6) Empower bystanders to stand up to
7) Increase awareness of bullying, and
establish/enforce anti bullying rules

5) Pick books with good illustrations that

dont perpetuate any stereotypes

The use of books is a great way to
curve bullying behavior. Good books
should promote kindness,
inclusiveness, and empathy among
people. Bibliotherapy is not only
cost-effective, but it can be tailored
to whatever perspective or topic you
would like to teach about. With
literature on bullying, it is important
to pick books that show multiple
perspectives. Select books that
show not only the targeted victims
perspective, but also that of the
bully and bystanders.


1) Pick books that align with your desired
classroom behavior
2) Pick books that have a clear and direct
message that focus on positive behaviors
3) Pick books that are age appropriate
(consider your students background,
emotional maturity, interests)
4) Pick a diverse set of books that include
multiple perspectives and have diverse roles

6) Pick books that promote empathy and


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