Lesson 4

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Detailed Lesson Plan Preparation

Elementary Education

Name: Jess Baity

Title: Economic Differences: Wants vs. Needs
Grade: 4th
Concept/Topic: Gender Inequality
Time Needed: 45 minutes

Backward Design Approach: Where are you going with your students?
Identify Desired Results/Learning Outcome/Essential Question:
Students will demonstrate an understanding of gender inequality in the workplace on an economic level
and be able to articulate what these differences mean to them as future workers.
Unit: What is gender inequality and how does it affect us?
Lesson: Are women and men the same in the workplace?

NCSCOS/Common Core Standards:

4.E.2.2: Explain

how scarcity of personal financial resources affects the choices people make
based on their wants and needs.
Assessment Plan:
Read student responses looking for evidence of knowledge of gender inequality in pay and how it
affects them as future citizens in society and the workplace.

Meeting the student where they are:

Lesson Introduction/Hook:
Show students pictures of items such as food, house, car, video games, movies, etc. and ask them to tell
you if each of them is something they want or something they need.

Heart of the Lesson/Learning Plan:

Lesson Development:
Using Internet resources, research pay differences in men and women in the workplace in
different countries. (UK, Africa, China, especially the US)
Using above link, talk to students about differences in men and womens pay in high-end jobs.
Have students pick a job from the chart and give them their salaries. Give the boys $100
dollars and the girls the amount of money they would earn based on their percentage of the
Tell them they must spend a minimum of 20 dollars on a house payment, 30 dollars on food,
and 10 dollars on a car payment.
With their leftover money let the students shop from catalog of popular toys: cell phone,
game boy, pokemon cards, sports equipment, movies, etc. and tell them to keep a record of
what they would like to buy.
Bring students back together and ask them how they felt about how much money they had to
Ask: After you paid for necessities, did you have enough money to buy things you wanted?
Girls: How do you feel that boys got more money than you?
Girls: Did having less money than boys affect what you could buy? How did that make you feel?
Concluding the Lesson/Closure/Debriefing:
Remind students how we talked about wants vs. needs in our lives. Ask them to reflect on the following
prompt in their writing notebook: Because of gender inequality in the workplace, women are almost
always paid less than men. This affects me because: ______________________.

Wants shopping catalog
Budget Sheet
Writing Notebooks

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