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Welcome: Mr.

Superintendent & the Governing Board

6:00-6:15: Check-in
6:15-6:30: Meet and Greet
6:30-7:00: Presentation on Anecdotal Record
7:00-7:20: Interactive Activity
7:20-7:30 Questions
7:30-7:40 Evaluation

Assessment Focus
We will be focusing on the assessment method: Anecdotal record
What is Anecdotal record?
Anecdotal record- An informal observation method often used by
teachers as an aid to understanding the childs personality or behavior. It
provides a running account of behavior that is either typical or unusual
for the child being observed.(Bentzen;2009,pg. 482)
Anecdotal records are a collections of narratives involving first hand
observations of interesting, illuminating incidents in children's literacy

Administration of Assessment
Anecdotal record is an informal method that observes a

child during free time in or outside.

Anecdotal records can demonstrate a lot of different concepts

about the childs learning such as: Social interactions, literacy

exchanges, everyday routines, what they choose to do during free
time, learning styles, patterns of their understanding, creative
expression, changes in behavior, and milestones in development.

Anecdotal record
To take an Anecdotes
1. You can use a sheet of paper for

every child over a period of time

2. Sticky notes to record and then

put all the notes on one piece of


Things to include in the


Childs Name
Notes for the Anecdotal
record(The childs story in
that moment of time)

Anecdotal record
o What is the difference between a
Normal observation and
Anecdotal record?

Observations: Report on the childs

habits and what you see.

Anecdotal Record: They tell stories

personalized to individual or groups
of children

o Example of Anecdotal Record

Childs name: John Smith
Place: Sunshine Preschool Book area
Date: 11/10/2014
Notes: John was reading a book. As
he looked at the pictures, he read
the story out loud to his friend Ava.
Once John was done reading the

book he said to Ava Its your turn to

read a book to me.

Anecdotal Record


It provides a running account

Biass can reflect on the record

Comparisons of childs behavior

Vulnerability can cause incorrect

Easiest method to use

Its fast, doesnt distract time

away from the children

Legal Considerations (Confidentiality)

1) It is important to assure to parents and guardians that the childs identity is
kept confidential and that you will not release the identity of a particular
child. It is also significant to be sensitive to the parents and their feelings
regarding this topic. Parents have a hard time coming to terms with their
childs personality or disabilities. They do not want an outsider to point out the
disabilities and characteristics of their child to make them stand out from the
others. Parents and guardians do have the right to decline having their child
be an observation subject.
2) Do not communicate (talk, write, use nonverbal gestures) about any child to
anyone other than the person who gave you permission to observe.(Bentzen;
2009, pg.68)
3) When discussing a child make sure no other person or child can hear the
discussion because it could lead to legal issues due to confidentially

Diversity Paragraph
In different cultures things can mean something different. Such as
personal space: In some cultures, it could be offensive if you sit or stand too
close to someone. In some cultures, smiling has different meanings and could
cause embarrassment. Other cultural differences may include how people may
feel about eye contact, touch and time concepts. In order to better understand
a familys culture, it is important to use the knowledge of the childs
background to help understand behavior.
Some ideas that would be great to implement in the classroom would be
different books, music, dress up, different flags and languages around the
room. I would also like to create a support group for single parent families,
military families whose spouse may be deployed and families who have
children with disabilities.

Diversity Quotes

It is important to control our biases It is important that the traits or characteristics that
we like or dislike, accept or do not accept, do not cause us to lose our objectivity. It is
particularly important not to pass judgments on children or make evaluative statements
that reflect poorly on character or worth (Betzen; 2009, pg. 71)
The effects of culture cannot be ignored or overemphasized.(Bentzen; 2009, pg.237) In
order to better understand a familys culture it is important to use of knowledge of the
childs background to help understand behavior.
For young children, individualizing and adapting your curriculum according to each
childs home culture is as essential to heathy development as substituting cream cheese
for peanut butter is for a child who is allergic to peanuts. Individualizing according to
each childs home culture always requires striking balance.(Derman-Sparks&
Edwards;2010, pg. 62)
They are also learning from us, the early childhood professionals. What we model for
them about accepting and honoring differences will make a big difference in their
lives.(Mena;2008, pg.32)

The community can support us through this process by

contributing tax credits to the different support programs.

Parents are encouraged to be involved with helping the
teachers determine what may be causing a change in
behavior .

Expectations and Outcomes of this process

Doing assessments in Pre School will help the parents and

the child be better prepared for the next step (Ex.

Kindergarten) by helping them absorb and learn the skills
they need to know.
Assessments allow parents the opportunity to connect

school and home by helping the child practice the skills

that need improvement.
Doing assessments also helps the teacher learn more

about the student therefore helping create a successful

learning environment for the child.

Interactive Activity
For this activity we will be observing a group of four

children playing in house center.

We will observe the children for ten minutes.
During this time take as many notes detailing what the
children are doing as possible.
After, we will compare notes and present one item that
stood out to you. Then we will put the anecdote in
correct form.


Please fill out the evaluation It will help me greatly!
1.) What did you learn tonight about anecdotal records?
2.) Did the interactive activity help you visualize more what anecdotal record was
and how it is used?
3.) What will you take away from this meeting?

3.) Comments:

Thank you again for attending!


Anecdotal Records Handout.(pgs.11-12) Kindergarten Assessment Handbook; Scholastic Teaching

Bentzen, W.R. (2009). An Introduction to Growth and Development. Seeing Young Children: A guide
to observing and Recording Behavior. (6th edition, pgs.68,71,237,482) Clifton Park, NY; Thomson
Delmar Learning.
Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J. O. (2010). Anti-Bias Education for young children and Ourselves.(1st
edition, pg. 62) Washington, DC: NAEYC.
Mena, J.G.(2008). Diversity in Early Care and Education. Honoring Differences.(5th edition, pg. 32)
New York, NY; McGraw-Hill.

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