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ee @ SOUTH TYNESIDE COLLEGE STRESSES IN SHIPS \ ship at sea is subjected to ¢ number of forces causing the structure to distort. Initially these may be divided into two categories: (1) Static Forces = when the ship is floating at rest in still water. Two forces are acting (a) weight of the ship acting vertically down and (S) water pressure acting perpendicular ta the outside surface of the ship. (2) Dynamic Forces -~ when the ship is in motion, The separate stresses to which the ship's structure is subjected caused by the above forces are as follows: (a) Structural Forces - those attecting the whole ship. & (b) Locel Forces ~ those affecting particular parts of the ship. The Principal Structural Stresses - Hogging and Sagging, Racking, Elects of water pressure and Orydocking. The Principal Local Stresses - Panting, Potnding, ettects of local weights, and vibration. (a) Longitudinal Bending (Hogging and Sagging) These longitudinal bending stresses may occur if the ship were subjected 10 loading at the fore end and after ends (e.g. the ship machinery aft and in a light condition with a ballasted fore peak tank) thelhull would zend to “hog ‘ioe - This effect would be made worse it the wave pattern were amidships as shown. Sagging would occur if the load and buoyancy distributions cerided to distort the hull as shown (e.g. ship with machinery amidships in light condition). This effect would be mace worse when the wave pattern is at the ends of hve 7 ® the ship as shown, Longitudinal stresses caused by Hogging and Sagging can be very severe, These stresses sre resisted by, at the bottom all longitudinal material in the double bottom i.e. centre girder, side girders, inner and outer bottom longitudinale, keel and bottom shell, tank top plating. The sideshell, and at the top the a sheerstrake and deck stringer plates are increased in thickness. At the deck longitudinal girders and deck longitudinals also help resist these stresses, In tankers longitudina! bulkheads also give great strength. The use of special steels tor high stress areas are now used especially in large ships. # Gencke eee sone ff streng rte sett awa fe teatrn hh Le fost (b) Racking When a ship is rolling in a seaway the snip's structure is liable to distort in a transverse direction. The greatest effect in under the lightship condition, The stress comes mainly on the corners of the ship ie, on the tank side ibiaekets and beam knees, which must be made strong enough 6 resist it, Transverse bulkheads, web frames, trames or cantilever frames together with plate {loors/provide great strength to resist this stress. rad ure Water pressure acts perpendicular to the surface increasing with ceptn. The effect is to push the ship's sides in and the bottom uD. It is resisted by frames, bulkheads, floors and girders, together with the thickness of the plating. ee (a) Deydocking When the ship is in drydock and supported by the keel blocks, it will have the tendency to sag at the bilges. The double bottom structure resists the stress however the bilges are supported by shores and bilge Slocks to help prevent it. Localised Loading (Banting anting 15 the “in and out” motion of the platingywhich occurs at the ends of the shipidue to the Variation in water pressure as the vessel pitches in the seaway. The effect is accentuated at the bow when making headway. The tore end and the after end must be strengthened to withstand “panting”: See later notes on tore end construction. Gi) Pounding When a ship is pitching in a seaway the bows often lift clear of the water and then slam down neavily onto the sea, subjecting the forepart to severe pounding. To compensate for this the bottom is strengthened trom O.05L (to 0.25 (ii) Localised Loading Localised heavy weights} e.g. machinery, winches, windlass or localised loading of heavy cargoes ive. iron ore may give rise to localised distortion. The ends of superstructures represent major discontinuities in the ship's structure giving rise to localised stresses which may result in cracking. Deck openings, holes cut in the deck plating ise. hatches, masts ete, create areas of high local stress due to the lack of continuity created by the opening. Other examples are, stresses set up by stays, and shrouds of masts etc. Stresses set up in the vicinity of hawsepipes, windlass and chain pipes. Vibration from the engines, propellers etc., ter to cause strains in the after part of the shia. These are resisted by special stiffening in the double bottom under the machinery space and by local stiffening in the region of the stern and after peak. @

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