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Maria Cecilia Durazo

ECE 240
Child Assessment Analysis

Identify the scenario and discuss relevant information on both children in the scenario
The scenario where the two preschool students are playing together during free choice time (it
seems) includes Charolette and Cindy. Charolette is four years old and has a speech delay.
Charolette seems to have some reading knowledge since she knows that writing words includes
using letters. Charlotte does now just draw random pictures but she writes letters which shows
she has developed fine motor skills. Although she cant pronounce words correctly she
understands that counting has a sequence and can count from one to three. There is not much
information on the other child, Cindy. By the scenario it is just known that Cindy can carry a
tray, has good social skills and no speech problems.

Complete the attachment developmental checklist based on your observations of the

children in the scenario

Summarize your data from the checklist

According to the checklist data results from the two children were similar, although Charolette
had more information to work with. Cindy received mastered in the areas of: cooperating in play
with peers, taking turns, sharing space and materials with others, continuously attending to a
task, sustaining or expanding conversation, moving with control and balance.
These categories of domains are observations that Cindy seems able to do. She was cooperating
with Charolette when they were taking turns while playing restaurant. Cindy was sharing space

and materials with Charolette, she wasnt distracted from playing with Charollette for the short
time they played together and she was able to continue the conversation with Charollette taking
her order. Cindy was also able to move with control and balance as she brought the play food
items to Charolette on a tray.

Charollette can also perform similar tasks. Charlotte also received a mastered score in the
following categories: cooperate in play with peers, taking turns, share space and materials,
continuously attend to a task, sustain conversation or expand conversation, understanding letters
form words, count using one-on-one correspondence, using number words in play context and
writing tools to communicate, moving with control and balance. Charolette cooperated in play
with Cindy. She took turs, she shared her space and play restaurant materials. She continuously
attended to what they were playing. She sustained and expanded the restaurant conversation. She
wrote letter strings as if they were food order words. She counted the food items she wrote it
seemed and knew these were three items. She used the piece of paper to communicate her
request to Cindy. Her movements and ability to write demonstrates she has control and balance
to hold the pencil and paper.

Define possible outcomes (normal and atypical development) specifying how they would
inform your teaching and guide your intention to seek additional assessment
The provided information from the checklist was pretty useful, especially for Charolette. As an
educator I would want to seek additional assessment of number recognition to understand if her
speck delay gets in the way of learning. I would want to know if she knows her numbers 1-10,
even if she mispronounces them, if she comes pretty close or is totally off. With Charolette also

writing letter strings, which is great I would like to assess her on letter and sound recognition. If
Charolette is able to identify some letters then I would be able to provide the necessary
intervention as working on mastering the names and sounds of letters.

Identify strengths /weaknesses of using the profile tool

A strength of this profile tool is that it provides useful information on a variety of categories. A
weakness of this profile tool is that it is not very detailed. By just utilizing the checklist an
educator does now really knows the details of the specific behaviors that led to documented data.

Identify other tools that might be used to support collection of data

A tool that might be used to support the collection of data is a portfolio of a variety of
assessments and observations. This way an educator can better understand the academic and
social development of the children in a better way.

Discuss adaptions to the assessment tool or other assessment tools you might use and
explain your rationale for using those options
A simple adaptation to this assessment tool would be simply adding a comments section under
each domain. By adding comments the observer can note how the specific behaviors happened.

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