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What Is Freedom?

I think "Freedom" is most realistically considered as a matter of "Control".

Who Controls You is the Question to first ask and answer before any other.
Of course, as you do this you will be finding out who this "You" you are, is.
And I suggest in this most important of all human endeavors of learning about yourself
you may, if lucky, discover you are caught in a Controlling Cage within which are many
The Controlling Meta-Cage that includes all others is what I term the DNA Matrix (yes,
as in the movie); that is, the "Selfish Gene" and its social/cultural equivalent the "Selfish
Meme" (refer to Richard Dawkins, et. al.).
It is this GM Matrix/Machine via its expression as the Sexual Division of Male and
Female driving the fierce coupling urge (what I term our DicKtator, misspelling
intentional) that is responsible for all of Humanity's activities--the Human Condition with
its all its severing Arms and linking Arts.
As I put it in my "Biopsies, Autopsies":
The truth will set you free?. No. But it will show you the prison you are in. Your
Consciousness is both key and lock and evolution has sentenced you to life for the crime
of knowing you are doing Time. Only by understanding your self through reason can you
turn your cell into a home you are happy to live in and invite others to keep you
As E.O. Wilson, the American biologist puts it:

"Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission natural selection,
the force that made us.... Soon we must look deep within ourselves and decide what we
wish to become."
So, to be "Free" is to understand the meaning of Francis Bacon's "Nature to be
commanded must be obeyed."
Once you do, you will no longer host the Ghosts of Gods and Governments. You will be
able to live Free in an Unfree World as I do and Harry Browne did (see his wonderful
book: How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World).
I invite you join me in co-creating a Community of Free Friends firmly placed
somewhere on this slippery spinning planet.
See my website if interested in what I term Personally Responsible Freedom:
CHeers from CHarming, CHurning, CHaotic CHina,
FreeEach Jack in Beijing

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