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Sharbria Blanche

1 6 2 1 W . H i g h l a n d S t ., D e n t o n, T X 7 6 2 0 1
Ph: 2 5 4 4 4 9 6 0 7 8

Professional Summary
Hard worker with demonstrated success in leadership and
management. Delivers a comprehensive range of quality abilities
such as time-management, decision-making, and judgement.
E a r n e d a m e d a l f r o m V e t e r a ns o f F o r e i g n A f f a ir s f o r o u t s t a n d in g
achievement and exceptional leadership ability.

Talented multitasker
Exceptional time
management skills
Computers and Electronics

Complex Problem Solving

Judgment and Decision

First Sergeant of JROTC Alpha Co.
Harker Heights High School

Aug 2013-Jun 2014

Harker Heights, TX

M a r c h e d c a de t s t o a n d f r o m f o r m a t i o n
Submitted absentee reports to the Company Commander
I ns p e c te d a n d ev a lu a te d c a de ts f o r g ig s
C o p ie d a nd dis tr ib ute d g ig wr ite - up s f o r ins tr uc to r s
A s s is te d wi th is s ui ng un if o r m s f o r c a de ts
Informed Company Commander on the welfare of the unit
O per a ted and ques tio ne d c ade ts fo r pr om o tio n b oar ds
Assumed role of Company Commander if absent

Varsity and JV Softball Manager

Harker Heights High School

Dec 2013-Apr 2014

Harker Heights, TX

Organized and prepared equipment for each game and

Responsible for having water ready for players
Pos te d lineups fo r ga mes

O p e r a te d th e s c o r e b o a r ds
Recorded each game in the playbook
D is tr ib ute d/ c o lle c te d unif o r m s

Bachelor of Science : Biomedical Engineering
University of North Texas
Expected graduation May 2018

Denton, TX

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