Educators Honored by Ancient Tradition With A Modern Twist

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Educators Honored by Ancient Tradition with a Modern Twist

Jessica Skogh, Writer and Photographer

Louisville, KY- November 19, 2013- Gentlemen, this is a thank you-not a good bye, said Dr.
Larry Wilson, Superintendent of the Junior College Livestock Judging Contest and retired
Extension Professor, University of Illinois.
This morning at the North American International Livestock exposition, two individuals
were honored in a private ceremony.
Robert and Dick Jurgens have been directly involved in the NAILE Jr. College Judging
Program for over 15 years. However, they have recently announced that they are no longer going
to be hands-on.
Wilson, took it upon himself to find something that would be meaningful to both Robert
and Dick, and he struck gold by using an educational the educational background. Gentleman,
as we all know, diplomas used to be written on sheep hide. But I couldnt find a sheep hide, so I
got the next best thing, Wilson told them.
Wilson presented Larry and Dick each with a unique calf hide, with the NAILE logo
burned on it. While these gentleman are no longer going to be as involved, they promised Larry
Wilson that they will continue to return to the NAILE.

Images: 111913_NAILE-008



Photo Cutline:
Robert and Dick Jurgens were each awarded with calf Hides by Larry Wilson and Tom
Stoutenborough for over 15 years of dedication to the North American International Livestock
Exposition. Wilson and Stoutenborough decided on calf hides instead of plaques, because of the
historic significance of printing diplomas and certificates on sheep hides.
The presentation occurred the morning of November 19, 2013 at the North American
International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, KY. Pictured from left to right are Tom
Stoutenborough, Robert Jurgens, Larry Wilson, and Dick Jurgens.

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