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11 December 2014

Dr. Leslie Bruce

Department of English, Comparative Literature and Linguistics
California State University, Fullerton
P.O Box 34080
Fullerton, CA 92834-9480

Dear Dr. Bruce,

The purpose of this letter is to demonstrate and outline that I have successfully completed
the student learning outcomes stated in the course syllabus. I have chosen to include specific
documents that I have written throughout the semester to illustrate the growth and proficiency in
my writing. The included documents are: an original and revised resume, a peer review of my
resume, an iFixit team evaluation memo, and a recommendation report results section. I believe
that the compilation of my works in this portfolio effectively shows that I have satisfied all of the
six SLOs. I go over the documents I included and explain how they satisfy the SLOs.
The first document in my portfolio is my resume. I chose this as my major document
because my original submission did not receive the feedback I expected. I was not advanced in
employing an effective appearance and in providing persuasive content to demonstrate that I am
qualified for the position. By revising this document, I illustrate that I can improve my resume
writing and achieve multiple SLOs. Firstly, the resume covers SLOs one and three. My resume is
one formal piece of work intended for a specific audience, Dr. Bruce, professor for English 360.
It utilizes my experiences and skills in photography as evidence to persuade the intended
audience that I am qualified for the photography manager position. I provide more details by
listing practical and technical skills. Secondly, the resume satisfies SLOs four and five. My
resumes design and organization effectively and clearly communicates my qualification for the
job. I used sections, proper headings, and bullet points more effectively to organize content.
Additionally, I used this organization and style to display evidence and my qualifications more
The second and third documents are the peer review of my resume and the iFixit team
evaluation memo. The peer review, along with the revised and original versions of my resume,
demonstrates my ability to revise and improve my own writing with feedback and critique from
my own peers. I made several major revisions to the style, organization, and content, as per
suggested by my peers. This satisfies the sixth SLO in the syllabus. The iFixit team evaluation
memo covers the collaboration component of SLO six. I worked with other group members to
thoroughly evaluate our group and our works for iFixit. By completing this evaluation report
with my group members, I was able to review and edit others writing.
The fourth document is the results section of my recommendation report, which satisfies
five of the SLOs. This formally written section of the recommendation report satisfies SLO two.
I gathered information to support my recommendation for this report from reliable sources and
provided proper citations. I used APA style citations, which is appropriate for the Health Science
discipline. In the online research portion of the results section, I acknowledged and cited several
sources such Colorado State University and Ontario Institute of Technology for information
about scientific research papers. The results section also illustrates my ability to satisfy SLOs

one, three, four, and five. I evaluated, synthesized, and reported useful information about a
specific genre of writing that addresses the recommendation prompt. The results I presented
inform the intended audience of the outcomes of my research methods. I used information
gathered from professor interviews and online research to also support and provide rationale for
my recommendation. I presented this information with organization using proper headings,
sections, and bullet points.
This portfolio demonstrates both my weaknesses and strengths in my writing. I was
introduced to new styles of writing throughout this English course and it has allowed me to
exercise and improve my writing in new ways. I hope that after reading this letter and reviewing
my portfolio, you will have a good understanding of my progress.


Jennifer Kate Tabadero

Eng 360, Tuesdays

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