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Social Networking: A Literature Review

Fabian Alvarado
University of Texas at El Paso

Social Networking: A Literature Review

Social networking is something that has recently came up within todays society and has
been having a tremendous growth since its establishment. With it have come some very good
key issues that have risen from social networking as well as beneficial growth for many different
reasons. In the past, the only way to network with people was to have it done in person via
communities, colleges, work environments, and groups. Since then online networking has risen
to the primary function of social networking which may have its own ups and downs from this
situation. There are many key points that must be analyzed in order to get a full understanding on
how social networking has risen to the highest peak of networking and how this continues to
grow within society. Many have argued that social networking is very essential in this ever
growing technologic world we live in today while other oppose to even get online to network
with others because of the negative side effects they have come to learn about.

Social Networking: A Literature Review

Social Networking: A Literature Review
Social networking in todays society can be very complex as a whole and therefore can be
argued as what it can really do to benefit our culture. Some seem to advocate that social
networking is not was it seems to be and can be very deceiving to people. While others insist that
social networking is beneficial and should be used to its fullest to ensure a good experience.
Looking at certain statistics and genres, we can analyze and make assumptions based upon facts
that may give us a better understanding on what social networking is and what it can or cant do
for us. Although social networking can be done in person such as in a work place, college, or a
community, the most popular and favorite kind of social networking is primarily done online. In
this case, many users do not fully understand all the rules and guidelines when it comes to using
the Internet and are not knowledgeable on safety precautions, which may lead to social
networking abuse and or other actions. Many of the social networking websites that are out there
are all tied to a specific purpose that may include, religion, beliefs, work related, school related,
politics, hobbies, and common interests. Also, out of these websites many of the social
networking areas may include a membership that is needed in order to use it.

Social Networking: A Literature Review

Furthermore, there are many resources out there that may help shed some light to what
social networking is and what kind of effects it may have in our society. When looking at
social networking as a whole you must consider many aspects into what it is being used
for and if it is being properly used for the certain occasion. There are many reasons alone
that stop potential social networkers to jump online and start using websites to
communicate with one another and because of this it stops the growth of social
networking in a beneficial way. There have been many reports of identity theft, predators,
and other bad cases that leave people afraid to use social networking even though it may
be a good use for them. For the many reasons behind social networking and all the
negatives and positives that come from this subject, there are certain questions that
should be answered through this on-going process.
1. How does Social Networking approach itself to the younger generations?
2. How does Social Networking affect a persons private life?
3. How can Social Networking impact societal relationships?
These questions listed above will help us analyze and conduct this literature review much more
efficiently and productively while providing a more in-depth understanding of the subject from
both factual evidence and opinions from society itself.
How does Social Networking approach itself to the younger generation?
Firstly, when taking a look within social networking that plays a role in the youth of
todays society we can observe and come to a conclusion on what it can do to them and how it
may even affect society as a whole. Social networking has risen to such a high popularity that
media, and other forms of advertisements have implemented the idea of using social networking
is great and you should use it if you want to keep up with the modern day of society. With this,
many of the youth have come to realize that using social media and networking will allow them

Social Networking: A Literature Review

to connect to each other via online without physically seeing each other. Social networking has
approached the youth by sending out messages on what it can do for them and why they should
even bother using these forms of communications. Since technology is rapidly growing in
society there is a mass amount of the new generations that are growing accustomed to using such
technology and not so much as the older generations. In this case, the young generation is used to
using different forms of technology, so having social networking already feels like normal to
Figure 1. Statistics from a survey conducted by Forresters North American Consumer Technology Adoption Study, which shows a
general idea of what the youth in society do while being on social networking sites.

When looking at this diagram, you can see the different responses that young teens have
given to what kind of activities they do when being online. IF you were to compare this study
alone to a group of older people, you will most likely see a huge difference. Older generations
will use social networking for things such as jobs, ads, online shopping, connecting with old

Social Networking: A Literature Review

friends, or business related. The youth of our society however are mostly concerned on talking to
one another, posting stuff, listening to music, watching videos, writing in blogs, and e.t.c. So the
companies use this to their advantage and sees what kind of social networking a targeted
audience uses.
How does Social Networking affect a persons private life?
Secondly, when approaching social networking one must analyze the effects it is taking
toll upon ones own personal and private life. Many of the websites today ask for much personal
information about you such as your birthday, gender, ethnicity, religion, political views,
relationship status, where you live, and a bio about yourself. Once you put that kind of
information out there on the online world, it is very hard to delete it. Even if you delete that kind
of information, there is no guarantee that it is permanently off of the Internet. Therefore making
social networking a bit risky for people to experience. Also, lets say that you have a social
networking site that allows you to have your own profile in which you may post statuses and
even pictures. Now if you have stuff on there that you may not feel proud of and dont want
certain people to see it, there may come a time in which they might access this information about
you and it can affect your own personal life. Many jobs that are hiring potential candidates for its
positions use social networking as a way to determine your quality as a person and the way you
Figure 2. Statistics from a survey conducted by the Gallup Survey of a group of adults.

Social Networking: A Literature Review

When looking at this diagram you can clearly see the reasons why most people use social
media/networking. Also not only that but you can see an additional type of survey that was
conducted in which asks how much social networking impacts on purchasing decisions. This not
only can be taken by the results on the question alone but you can assume that social networking
impacts peoples decisions in plenty of things in their own personal life. One of the main reasons
why people use social networking is to connect with family and friends, which isnt a bad idea.
The way that people use it may however give them problems with their personal life. When you
post a picture or status about something that was intended for a specific person or group but then
is seen by another that wasnt meant for, it can cause issues in your personal life. When you add
something to social networking, it will mostly be online forever. There is no way around it.
How can Social Networking impact societal relationships?

Social Networking: A Literature Review

Thirdly, looking at social networking as a whole there are a lot of key points in the matter
that can be discussed and compared to in societal relationships. In the past when someone
wanted to communicate with one another it had to have been done physically in person, but now
with this social networking in the online world growing, there are numerous of other ways to go
about doing this. When you want to meet someone new you dont have to go around where you
live or are currently at to make new friends, you can now just simply go online to a social
networking site and starting communicating with people whom you may not even know in
person. Also, instead of going to stores to apply for a job or keep in touch with your boss or coworkers, you can also simply go online to chat and keep in touch. Social networking can impact
societal relationships by simply giving people the option to go online and keep in touch with
others as well as meet new people whom they never met in person before. This plays a big role in
peoples lives because it has even come to a point where people interact with each other online
more often than they do in real life.
Figure 3. A survey conducted by Michelle Pacansky Brock, which illustrates ones relationships with society after using social networking/media.

Social Networking: A Literature Review

Looking at this graph we get an idea of what a group of college students have gained
from using such social networking in their lives. From this we can realize that because of social
networking it has given them many benefits in life that were not possible prior to the usage of
such activity. Social networking has allowed them to voice their opinions quicker and more
efficiently because of the high usage of social networking that people do, also it gives them a
more awareness in global issues that are important.
Ultimately, this literary review has dissected the main ideals and key issues that are
among the social networking world in our society. Many of the most important questions have
been answered that pertain to this subject and has given much factual evidence and statistics that
may help one in finding what social networking has done for this technologic adaptive society.
Although we may not know the future of social networking and what will become of it, we can
analyze the way it has shaped our society from before we had this technology and up to the point
where social networking has been inputted in everyones daily life. There is still much that can
be learned from social networking and the benefits and negatives seem to be split right through
the middle. The usage of social networking for people have impacted the society that we live in
today tremendously mainly due to the fact that it provides it users easier ways to communicate
with each other but at the same time leaving people vulnerable to the dangers of the online

Social Networking: A Literature Review

What is social networking. (2004). What is social networking. Retrieved from
What is social networking. (2004). Should you join a social site? Retrieved from
What is social networking. (2004). How social networks have changed our world. Retrieved
What is social networking. (2004). Privacy and social media. Retrieved from
What is social networking. (2004). Crime and social networking sites. Retrieved from
What is social networking. (2004). Buliding relationships via social networking. Retrieved from
What is social networking. (2004). Better or worse? Retrieved from


Social Networking: A Literature Review

What is social networking. (2004). Disinformation & social sites. Retrieved from
Trends Spotting. (2007, July). Kids are heavy social network users. Retrieved from
Pacansky, M. (2014). Social media. The Value of Social Media to College Students Lives.
Retrieved from
Elder, J. (2014). Technology. Social Media Fail To Live Up To Early Marketing Hype.
Retrieved from


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