MEMB 243 - Quiz 2 - Section 3B - Solution

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Section 3B

MEMB 243 Mechanics of Materials

Semester 2 2014/2015
Quiz 2
Question 1
Link BD is made of brass (E = 105 Gpa) and has a cross-sectional area of 240mm2 . Link CE is made of
aluminium (E = 72 Gpa) and has a cross-sectional area of 300 mm2 . Knowing that they support the rigid
member ABC, determine the maximum force P that can be applied vertically at point A if the deflection of
A is not to exceed 0.35 mm.

Question 2
The device is used to measure a change in temperature. Bars AB and CD are made of A-36 steel and 2014T6 aluminium alloy respectively. When the temperature is at 40C, ACE is in the horizontal position.
Determine the vertical displacement of the pointer at E when the temperature rise to 80C.

Section 3B

Section 3B

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