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Format of research proposal

It is a plan about what is yet to be done/ outline of what lies ahead

It is not a report

Use future tense= telling what you intend to do

It takes the same general format of the report but with few modification

- It must have a cover page= put details in capital centered and bold beginning with the topic, author, knu,
course, name of supervisor and the date of submission. (Same details of report will appear but include
research proposal to differentiate)
- Introduction
- Literature
- Description of the study area
- Methodology
- Research findings/discussions
- Time plan (in table form)
- Budget (indicate the source of money and how much money will be needed, tabulate the actual cost of
your research, include the unforeseen items in the budget = set aside some money)
- At the back of the proposal your attach appendices i.e maps, questionnaire, interview guide etc.
- Formats of research differ
Our format

Cover page the same

1. Begin with introduction - Bring out the topic of the study and bring out what the proposal
contains and also the organization of the proposal

2. statement of the research findings- the question you are researching only in one paragraph

3. Objectives of the study give out 3.1 general objective and 3.2 specific objectives let them
begin with to

4. Research questions come from specific objectives, same number of specific objective and
questions, but be more detailed look at each objective from various perspectives come up with as
many questions as possible.

5. Scope of the study what is your limit of your study/ coverage

6. Significance of the study importance of the study in a paragraph

7. Limitations of the study problems on the study which are not avoidable (provide solutions in
the main report only)

-8. Literature review explain in several paragraphs what other people have written about the
problem, target what you feel was left out. The last part should have the knowledge gap where u
indicate clearly what was left out.

Why it being detailed = the same literature review will appear in the main report.

- 9. Description of the study area look at 1, location include a map and describe it, 2 physical
features i.e. climate, soils, relief. 3 cover the social economic features of the location.

10. Methodology of the study indicate 1 research design, 2 types of expected data = primary
and secondary, Study population

Sample population does not apply now. Sampling aspects- if the population is 500 how many are
you targeting, Sampling procedure, and sample procedure

11. Methods of data collection indicate the method you will use and explain how and why using

. Data analysis method what method are you going to use and why?
. Data discussion
12. Conclusion - just estimate that such and such will be done

Then we have references

And then show work plan and budget in table form
The last part is the appendices attach all instruments used.
On the questionnaire indicate the name of the institution, department, topic and a
statement on the respondents indicate the levels of confidentiality- tell the respondents
how they will answer the questions. Begin with identity questions 2 or 3 questions,
secondly let you know if they are male or female, know where they live, know their level
of education. Content -- questions begin simple become details and end simple at the
end, provide a question that will cover everything that has not been covered. Is there
anything you can say regarding to .
Finally thank the respondents and sign the questionnaire. A well written questionnaire
should not have more than 12 questions. Make it brief, be short, be direct, and be simple
do not use words to confuse the respondents.
Submit 2 copies in the first week of January spiral bound.

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