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Demonstration 6

Application Settings

Development Tips And Tricks

Cookieless sessions

Session State no longer requires client cookie

support for SessionID

Can optionally track SessionID in URL

Requires no code changes to app

All relative links continue to work

Development Tips And Tricks

Cookieless sessions steps

web.config file in app vroot
Add following
text: cookieless=true/>


Development Tips And Tricks

Smart navigation

Eliminates browser flicker/scrolling on browse


Smooth client UI but with server code

Automatic down-level for non-IE browsers

No client code changes required

<%@ Page SmartNavigation=true %>

Alternatively set in web.config file


Development Tips and Tricks

Error Handling Tips and Tricks
Production Tips and Tricks

Error Handling Tips And Tricks

Page tracing

ASP.NET supports page and app tracing

Easy way to include debug statements

No more messy Response.Write() calls!

Great way to collect request details

Server control tree

Server variables, headers, cookies
Form/Querystring parameters

Error Handling Tips And Tricks

Page tracing steps

Add trace directive at top of page

<%@ Page Trace=True %>


Add trace calls throughout page

Trace.Write(Button Clicked)
Trace.Warn(Value: + value)


Access page from browser

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