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The Oracle Report, Tuesday, December 9, 2014 | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

The Oracle Report, Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Posted on December 9, 2014

This morning, Im going to ask that you read not only Bradleys new article a
tough one, as he exposes a cult of which you may not have been aware, but that
each of you take time to read the Comments, many of them deeply personal
statements, received since I published Bradleys letter to me yesterday. (Some
of them were also left under Kevin Annetts post and the articles concerning the
Illuminati.) Your comments are so heartfelt, and I think they will give us all
strength as we move forward in our awareness of this dark knowledge.
I send my love and caring to each and every one of you and I feel sure that
Bradley does as well.
I also want to thank Bamboo-Water for sharing the poem by Rumi, Music
Master, and his beautiful illustration of it, Early Morning Bells. Its presentation
today seems timed to help us all remember the beauty of the world we are bent
on creating through our present efforts.



The Oracle Report, Tuesday, December 9, 2014 | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?


Full Moon Phase: enlightenment

Moon in Cancer (Leo at 10:15 pm ET/7:15 pm PT)
Ruling Mahavidya: Shodashi (Goddess of Beauty, Goddess Who Charts Courses)
Skill: watch from the inner place of calm and respond when needed
Negative Imprint: unprepared to respond, glaring differences in paradigms and
philosophies, alienated, isolated, separated, overprotection, avoidance, thirst for



The Oracle Report, Tuesday, December 9, 2014 | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

power, feeling misunderstood

Positive Imprint: shielded, changing conditions, good magical rituals, intuition,
offerings and blessings, sharing thoughts and feelings, healing, progress, inner
A strong influx of energy continues to rain down on us, pouring down at times. Its intense! But
upgrades in consciousness usually are, and today we will respond and adapt to the changes that
are happening inside of us and outside in the world.
Lets talk about whats contributing to this and where its going.
First, one aspect of the intensity is courtesy of Plutos daily march toward aspect with Uranus.
The two are chiming a tune that is being heard around the world. Pluto will make exact square
with Uranus once again this Sunday, December 14 at 7:45 pm ET/ 00:45 am UT, re-activating
the energetics of the monumental Grand Cardinal Cross. This Grand Cardinal Cross aspect has
been cresting at various times throughout the year. The purpose of the Grand Cardinal Cross
has been to sound a call to awakening, duty, and mission. Its the marker in time when soul
families would come back together to shift the world paradigm the world dream back to its
natural state. Light workers are activated.
Its a big mission, so we feel it in big ways. It is often initially experienced with chaos. When
things begin to shift, a certain degree of chaos is unleashed. In this context, chaos is a good thing
because it means we are changing (transforming, alchemizing) from one way to another. It is
unsettling. Its supposed to be, because the energy is sorting and sifting and shuffling things all
around. Its like a snow globe that has been turned upside down and shaken.
Instead of being the spiraling snowflakes, we can stay pretty well grounded in the middle and
watch as the snowflakes settle into new places and patterns. Wise owls watch from the inner
place of calm, not only because it is wise, but because it is beautiful. Falling snowflakes are
We want to choose wonder over chaos.
The second dynamic involves this months theme of homecoming, which is becoming more
pronounced as the Sun progresses further into Sagittarius and closer to conjunction in the sky
with the Galactic Center. Its a high, holy event. The Sun will conjunct the Galactic Center next
week on December 17/18. We will be in the Balsamic phase of the Moon at that time, the



The Oracle Report, Tuesday, December 9, 2014 | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

dreamy, spiritual phase when the veils between the worlds are already thinnest. The Sun, the
Earth, and humanity come home when the Sun returns to the degree of the Galactic Center.
On the tails of the high, holy event of the Sun conjunct the Galactic Center, the New Moon
in Capricorn enters three days later with Venus conjunct Pluto (both squaring Uranus), and
Venus stationing retrograde the same day. So we will have a New Moon and Venus stationing
retrograde while aspecting Pluto and Uranus all on the same day.
Recall also that the Capricorn lunar month is a cardinal month, one of the four months each
year that pivot massive change and set new courses. This is where the energy is building and
this is why people are feeling the intensity.
Instead of calling it an intensity lets call it a quickening. Intensity has such a negative
connotation and we are aiming for wonder. Quickening better describes it, dont you think?
Today, as we are captivated (sometimes by the sheer spectacles of insanity) by the things that
are shifting inside of us and outside in the world, we are adapting to what is happening.
Feelings of isolation and loneliness underlie this energy if we dont feel like we have or are
making connections with others. This month is nexusing people of like mind together, but if
you arent feeling or experiencing this, the emptiness is deep. All things must unlock in their
own time. Even if you arent seeing the homecoming in your life right now, know that the
energies are working at even deeper levels of you to form new elements. Your personal
astrology may be overriding the generalized energies. If so, take heart because other
important and special things are happening for your journey. Most likely you are creating a new
snow globe with your life.
There is also an underlying signature of todays energetics that carries a thread of fear or
danger. This is present today and tomorrow. Pay attention to your gut feelings. Dont dismiss
intuitive caution or warning. If it feels bad, move on.
Themes related to substance versus appearance also entangle today. Appearance tends to
dominate with this one. Superficiality is annoying, so be prepared to respond and adapt if this
appears for you today.
Also, the potential for projection of ones own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and fears onto others is
strong today. With this, there is an attempt to escape personal responsibility and avoid or deny
that anything is happening. Take on board only what is yours.



The Oracle Report, Tuesday, December 9, 2014 | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

It is a good idea to incorporate the element of fire through the end of the month. Like the
Sabian symbol for the degree of Pluto, a fire worshipper meditates on the ultimate realities of
existence, we can use the element of fire for enlightenment. Light a candle and in the flames
reflection, see the representation of the candle that is lit in the window of the Galactic Center,
waiting for us to come home.
Thank you for supporting the Oracle Report. Blessings to all!
The Oracle Report


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