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On conspiracy theories and credibility . . . the Sakers thoughts on credibility caught my attention; I agree with him. . . ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

On conspiracy theories and credibility . . . the Sakers thoughts on

credibility caught my attention; I agree with him. . . ~J
Posted on November 23, 2014

I think this piece works so very well on my own blog, particularly with Alfred
Webres question about Putin. . . and with Bradley Loves articles. Many of us
still want an authority figure to give us the answers, but the process of growth
and evolution in which we are involved asks us to become our own authority
figures. In both of these situations, very often there isnt going to be any proof
out there for us. Read what the Saker says about proof. I found it all so very
interesting! ~J
The Vineyard of the Saker
by the Saker
November 23, 2014
Dear friends,
I am noticing with some dismay that some (many?) of you are still firmly the mental clutches of
the conspiracy theories logical fallacy. The reactions to Koenigs articles about Ebola and HIV
are typical of that kind of logical derailment. So it is high time that I state a few basic
assumptions of this blog.
1) A conspiracy theory is, a priori, a good thing. Why? Because the world is chock full of
conspiracies. What is a conspiracy? It is a secret plan of a group of people. Does any of you
really believe that with 16+ intelligence agencies in the USA there are not thousands of
conspiracies hatched every day by tens of thousand of professional people just here, in the
USA? Dont you know that corporations conspire too? What do you think antitrust laws are all
about? Do you know that the criminal code is also full of conspiracy crimes? So here is the
deal: if you want to understand what happens behind the smokescreen thrown
before you by the corporate media and government official you HAVE TO spend
most of your time looking into conspiracy theories. Put simply if you reject
conspiracy theories you are blind. Period.
2) I dont give a damn about my credibility or the credibility of my blog. I
dont deal in credibility. Credibility is an argument of authority which
assumes that something coming from A is credible because it comes from A.
This is not what I want for this blog. In the Saker community I want everybody to be critical of



On conspiracy theories and credibility . . . the Sakers thoughts on credibility caught my attention; I agree with him. . . ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

everybody and everything and to only judge an arguments in its own merits (or lack thereof). If
tomorrow Poroshenko or Joe Biden write a good piece I would not hesitate to publish it. Not
because I endorse it (I only endorse what I write!), but to foster an intelligent discussion. In
other words, credibility is something attached to an argument, not a person.

3) In order to reject a hypothesis we have to first look into it. Unless we develop an 1984-like
automatic rejection without analysis capability, there is no way for your to evaluate a thesis
without being exposed to it. A hypothesis is just that a maybe or what if. If it passes a
preliminary stage of acceptance, and if it becomes formalized, it becomes a theory. Then, that
theory can be tested, in particular in its ability to predict. Only then can it be proven false. In
the case of Ebola and HIV all I hear is side A claiming that it was created by the US
government while side B says that this is not so. In the meantime, NOBODY is offering any
kind of halfway intelligent discussion of the hypothesis. Instead the hypothesis is
dismissed prima facie as a conspiracy theory. Those who do that apparently fail to realize
that if, as this hypothesis states, the US government had something to do with the creation of
HIV or Ebola then by definition this was a conspiracy and, again, by definition only a conspiracy
theory could help prove that.
What is wrong with you guys?! Has basic logic just become extinct?!
4) Last but not least this blog is about *freedom of thought*, something sorely needed in our
single-thought and completely monolithic society. I feel that freedom implies the freedom to
make up you own mind and therefore to be exposed to something which is wrong or untrue. All
of the media and 95% of the blogosphere is busy trying to establish credibility like a dog
peeing in the four corners of a room to establish its territory. I say let them aspire to
credibility if they so chose I aspire for *freedom*. I want this blog to be a place where
people can present odd, heretical, rejected, crimethink and otherwisepersecuted ideas. Let
them come here, present them, and if you disagree with them tear them apart with facts and



On conspiracy theories and credibility . . . the Sakers thoughts on credibility caught my attention; I agree with him. . . ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

logic, be ruthless, dont leave them a place to hide from your merciless analysis. But dont
rejected them without that, without this trial by comments in which all of us are jurors.
It just so happens that I remember some very well informed people telling me in the late 1980s
early 1990s that HIV had all the signs of having been engineered. Is there a reason to reject
such a hypothesis prima facie? Not if you know anything about the history of biowarfare
research, especially by the US government. That I know for sure. But I personally
have no opinion about HIV and no opinion about Ebola. Frankly, I dont have the time to form
an opinion about them (oh yes, I dont consider having an opinion a right of some kind. Having
an opinion is the result of a painstaking and long process of analysis at the end of which you
sometimes, not always, end up with an opinion). To be very honest, I dont particularly care.
But I care that others care and that is why, I posted these articles by Koenig because I know for
a fact that others (which shall remained unnamed) have chickened out from posting them,
probably for reasons of credibility.
I dont care much about this specific topic, but I do care, immensely, about the
intellectual freedom of this blog. And I will never, ever, let considerations of
credibility stand in the way of this blogs intellectual freedom. There are plenty
of really, truly, totally credible and respectable blogs out there. Somebody got
to be free and non-respectable and I very deliberately chose to be part of that
fringe lunatic conspiracy theorist with zero credibility which does not let the
societys doxa tell me what I should, or should not, post.

The Saker
This entry was posted in Financial/economic information, Illuminati/Terrorism/Corruption, Political and tagged Barack
Obama, Confirmation bias, Conservative Party (UK), Conspiracy theory, Credibility, Ebola virus disease, Energy
market, European Space Agency, Fallacy, Gingerbread man. Bookmark the permalink.
PressTV: US moving away from Israel, Arab
monarchies: Journalist, Dean Henderson

Lilou Mace interviews Drunvalo Melchizedek: Birkeland

currents & Mer-Ka-Ba science . . . PLEASE DO NOT MISS

28 Responses to On conspiracy theories and credibility . . . the Sakers

thoughts on credibility caught my attention; I agree with him. . . ~J
dallas brockton says:



On conspiracy theories and credibility . . . the Sakers thoughts on credibility caught my attention; I agree with him. . . ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

November 24, 2014 at 6:50 pm


Director of Central Intelligence:
An observation by the late Director at his first staff meeting in 1981. This observation
reveals the mentality of cynicism which infests the US Federal control structures, and
the reality that these structures regard the American people with total contempt. This
attitude is the opposite to the noble concept of service to the American people which
ought to inspire holders of public office, and therefore represents the epitome of

Jean says:
November 24, 2014 at 6:58 pm

Thanks, Dallas. It looks like they came very close to succeeding . . . but I
think they havent won

Hugs, ~Jean


Kathleen says:
November 24, 2014 at 6:07 pm

Jeanyou could not have said this any better!

"Many of us still want an authority figure to give us the answers, but the process of
growth and evolution in which we are involved asks us to become our own authority
figures. In both of these situations, very often there isnt going to be any proof out there
for us."
Perfectly said, Thank You!

Jean says:



On conspiracy theories and credibility . . . the Sakers thoughts on credibility caught my attention; I agree with him. . . ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

November 24, 2014 at 6:57 pm

Im trying, Kathleen, to get a point across

Hugs, ~Jean


Kathleen says:
November 24, 2014 at 9:16 pm

You did dear ladyyou did!!!


Jean says:
November 24, 2014 at 9:19 pm

:)Hugs, ~Jean

Jimmy says:
November 24, 2014 at 11:50 am

Oops, the Conspiracy (of Govs against the prosperity of humanity), its out of the
bag, now the world knows, oops, its too late guys, everyone now knows, !!!

Ilex says:
November 24, 2014 at 10:52 am

An open letter from the Oath Keepers to the people of Ferguson

Oath Keepers Open Letter to the People of Ferguson, Missouri
People of Ferguson, whatever the Grand Jurys decision, you have an absolute, God



On conspiracy theories and credibility . . . the Sakers thoughts on credibility caught my attention; I agree with him. . . ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

given, and constitutionally protected right to protest and speak your mind. The First
Amendment prohibits government at every level from abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition
the government for a redress of grievances.
And under our Constitution, the police have no right, no authority, and no power to
violate those rights, and neither does Governor Nixon, or anyone else in government.
During the earlier protests in August, we saw egregious violations of the rights of
peaceful protesters and media in Ferguson, including the irresponsible, indiscriminate
use of tear gas and rubber bullets, as well as police pointing assault rifles and sniper
rifles at people who posed no apparent, immediate threat to anyone people who were
simply standing in the street, voicing their opinions. We also saw the imposition of an
absurd curfew, and routine harassment of people merely standing on sidewalks.
Because of these blatant abuses, our Missouri Chapter of Oath Keepers sent an Open
Letter of Warning to Governor Nixon, warning him that he and the police under his
leadership were using unconstitutional, rights-violating tactics that were also,
perversely, ineffective at stopping the few actual looters, shooters, or rock and Molotov
cocktail throwers. We told the Governor:
Such over-the-top threatening displays, with rifles pointed-in indiscriminately at
protesters and residents, only anger and frighten the people and reinforce the
perception that it is the police vs. the people rather than the police vs. a small number
of criminals, while risking the lives of the very people our police are supposed to be
And much like over-the top and indiscriminate threat displays and use of force in Iraq
lost the hearts and minds of the locals, so too does it lose the battle for hearts and minds
here at home assisting in the agendas of those who wish to divide us along racial lines
and create an us vs. them mentality among both the people and the police.
Likewise for the imposition of curfews, which violate the right of the people to peaceably
assemble, while also failing to stop the looters and shooters who ignore such decrees.
The First Amendment prohibits abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the
right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress
of grievances period. It doesnt add on unless a politician declares a state of
emergency and imposes a curfew. Nor does it say unless other people are looting and
being violent, in which case all of you lose your right to peaceably assemble. Curfews



On conspiracy theories and credibility . . . the Sakers thoughts on credibility caught my attention; I agree with him. . . ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

punish the peaceable majority for the actions of a violent few, and again, alienate the
community and send the message that the police see them all as the enemy and seek to
trample on the rights of all of them.
People of Ferguson, every human being has the right to protest. But nobody has the
right to initiate acts of violence or destruction of property against other people, no
matter how angry or upset they are. In this case, the family of Michael Brown has
specifically asked that all protesters remain peaceful. Michael Browns father even did a
video appeal on that point, declaring:
Hurting others or destroying property is not the answer. No matter what the grand jury
decides, I do not want my sons death to be in vain We live here together, this is our
home, we are stronger united. Continue to lift your voices with us and lets work
together to heal to create lasting change for all people regardless of race [emphasis
Continue reading and comment Here:

Jean says:
November 24, 2014 at 12:02 pm

Ilex, thanks and hugs



Frank R says:
November 24, 2014 at 5:17 am

Franks Food For Thought..

While Jean and I usually agree on many things I am sure I will be be the odd man out
here. Let me re-introduce our need for critical thinking. The Saker makes an excellent
argument for freedom of speech, open discussions and no limitations and I applaud



On conspiracy theories and credibility . . . the Sakers thoughts on credibility caught my attention; I agree with him. . . ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

them for their honesty and truth.

Their argument about conspiracies I believe is also correct and well said. They stated
several times in the article that they dont give a damn about credibility and at THEIR
site credibility does not count, just the openness of their Blog. One question I have is
What Is The Purpose of Your Blog? If, as they say, it is all about everyone venting
their opinion without fear of reprisal then thats fine.
They state that if you want to really know what is going on you have to spend much
time looking into Conspiracies.I agree COMPLETELYNO ARGUMENT HERE.
HOWEVER the comments referencing people who require credibility and thus belittling
them seem to indicate a total lack of experience in bringing the information we take for
granted to the public at large.
In his statement:
I dont give a damn about my credibility or the credibility of my blog. I dont deal in
credibility. Credibility is an argument of authority which assumes that something
coming from A is credible because it comes from A. That is because he knows, as an
example only, that A .I.E. The MSM lies all the time so he dismisses it as NOT
credible which is what we do. HOWEVER the SHEEPLE CONSIDER THE MSM
credible because thats ALL they know. They are constantly being told NOT TO TRUST
the Internet.
He is ADMITTING that he does not deal in credibility at his blog. What does that say?
He also states that.
All of the media and 95% of the blogosphere is busy trying to establish credibility like
a dog peeing in the four corners of a room to establish its territory. I say let them aspire
to credibility if they so chose I aspire for *freedom*.
WHY IS IT that 95% of the Alternative Media and Bloggers are trying to establish
CREDIBILITY with their readers and visitors to their sites? WHY IS THAT? Is The
Saker the only one that has it right by not giving any credence to credibility?
NEVERNEVER get the majority of uninformed people to listen to ANYTHING you



On conspiracy theories and credibility . . . the Sakers thoughts on credibility caught my attention; I agree with him. . . ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

have to say. That in fact by giving them some truth (slowly) WITH SOME
CREDIBILITY ATTACHED TO IT will slowly start that individual down the path they
need to go in order to become enlightened. Of course this can happen very quickly if we
simply took over the media by force but I am not going there on this comment.
Look at their statement..
if you want to understand what happens behind the smokescreen thrown before you by
the corporate media and government official you HAVE TO spend most of your time
looking into conspiracy theories. Put simply if you reject conspiracy theories you are
blind. Period.
Most of the sheeple do not even KNOW ABOUT THE SMOKESCREEN
He appears to be assuming that everyone out there would be willing to look at
Conspiracy Theories or should be spending the majority of their time delving into them!
This an an amazing admission to his level of unawareness concerning being able to
communicate any of this stuff to the general public. Just try and get them away from
American Idol, Football, Facebook etcDONT YOU UNDERSTAND THEY HAVE
Now I do not know about the rest of you but I got involved in this 6 years ago with the
GOAL of trying to help people to learn the other words become awake and
aware. I have been in communications most of my life even as a Public Speaker at times
and many years in SALES. I know how to steer people towards ideas and how to
properly plant seeds in their minds so that they will themselves start to see what we
I have lost almost all my friends, my family, my daughters AND MANY OTHERS due
my trying to get them to even look at something simple like Chemtrails. They all think I
am a psycho. I have lost two very close RESEARCH friends to sudden mysterious
deaths as I came down with horrible medical problems all at the same time JUST
have Chemtrails over my head 24/7 and getting worse everyday.
Its been 6 years of hell and I have not given up because I believe in what we are doing



On conspiracy theories and credibility . . . the Sakers thoughts on credibility caught my attention; I agree with him. . . ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

and that someday the truth will be known. I truly know and understand people and let
me say thisif we do not find and attach some forms of credibility in the information we
are learning.short of using violence to take over the media.NO ONE WILL LISTEN.
It was credibility which got me involved with The Disclosure Project but many people I
have given those DVDs too just laugh because they think its ridiculous but put any lie
you want on TV and all of a sudden it becomes GOSPEL.
We are supposed to be in a WARREMEMBER? We are allegedly fighting for our
LIVES right? I do NOT believe that blogs that do not assist us in recruiting and
educating the sheeple are going to help us and in fact could hurt our efforts in the long
run. We have all been fooled many times by people like Drake, Keenan, Wilcock and
many more.
Asking for some validity or credibility should not be a crime or should be a
courageous Badge of Honor otherwise our information will be tossed out like trash and
we will lose this war.
Food For Thought
Love and Hugs To You All
Frank R


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