Bradley Loves Comments On The Network of Stolen Consciousness: How Black Magick Is Used in Mind Control, by Beth Goobie

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Bradley Loves comments on The Network of Stolen

Consciousness: How Black Magick is used in Mind Control, by

Beth Goobie
Posted on November 16, 2014

I think it is no accident that not only did I have a friend who went through the
experience described by Bth Goobie, but in an in-depth 17-day workshop in
which one woman had multiple personalities, I had it quietly explained to me
how/why someone splits off and creates other personalities. It is so simple: They
become someone else, and in that personality they are safe from their
abuser/torturer. Little did I know that my own personal experiences with these
situations would one day be important. ~J
Bradleys comment references: The Network of Stolen Consciousness: How Black Magick is
used in Mind Control, by Beth Goobie
I really wanted Jean to post this article for many reasons. The first reason was to show
everyone exactly what our secret military (secret societies CIA VATICAN et al. ) is
really doing behind our backs, paid for with our money, given to them with our consent.
Nuff said.
But it goes far deeper than that, and what I really wanted to talk about is the alters that get
created when a young human being is constantly exposed to trauma.
I once met a man in his late 50s who at the time was a Mormon, and had been diagnosed as
having dozens and dozens of alternate personalities.
A study had been done on this man, I believe it was at BYU, in one of their more secluded
departments of research. And it was found that due to the fact that his uncle had prostituted
him out as a sex slave as a boy he had developed these alters.
The interesting thing that was found by the one doctor dealing with him was that each Alter
was a personality unto itself, and that alter never grew any older than the day it was created.
Thus, this man had some alters with him that were only 5 years old, even though he was clearly
in his late 50s.
The debilitating part of this experience for him was that he was unable to control when any one
of the alters would suddenly pop back into his body, and at that moment become the dominant

personality for the next 20 minutes or so!

Unable to work because of this, this unfortunate man was left sitting at home while his wife
worked to earn a living for both of them.
I had many personal and intriguing conversations with this man and it was amazing to see how
this very bright, intelligent, soft spoken, and well read man would suddenly revert into a 5 year
old personality.
The 5 year old even had its own name, (lets just say it was Billy). Whenever Billy would
suddenly show up, the adult man I was talking to was completely gone! It was just that
fast. Billy was now there, and he would tell me so.
Billy was every bit a child, wanted to play games, spoke like a 5 year old would and did things a
5 year old would do.
Now, if you think this is all a big hoax, or an elaborate charade, then you may have reason to
think so, because thats what I thought at first. Of course it truly begs the question, why, why,
why would a perfectly normal adult man with high intelligence be pretending to turn into a 5
year old at some of the most in opportune moments of his daily life.
The truth is that those who examined him at the University thought this too, UNTIL, they did
separate EKG, and EEG readings on both him the adult personality, and then took readings
from the child personality, when it was (in the body) and found them to be TOTALLY
Totally different brain waves, with a totally different heart frequency! Just like two completely
separate human beings!
In addition to that, the absolute next to IMPOSSIBLE was also happening.
This adult man (lets just call him John not his real name), but John wore prescription glasses
that were fairly thick because his eyesight was failing badly, however, and this is what is SO
MYSTIFYING and even bogggled the doctors that he was working with at the University:
So, if I was talking to John, who literally needed the glasses to SEE WITH, if at any moment

during the conversation, Billy popped in as the dominant personality, then the glasses came off
with a YUK and a I cant see with these dumb things !
The University had given eye exams to BILLY and found that he had perfect 20/20 vision.
The problem here is that Billy was using the SAME pair of eyes to see with that JOHN WAS! So
WHY was Billys eyesight perfect where Johns was not. THIS HAD THE WHOLE UNIVERSITY
Naturally you can bet that none of this type of science EVER reaches the mainstream or the
public! It goes to the military, to the CIA, to the Secret Societies, and ultimately the
MAGICIANS themselves. But not to us!
The truth, (scary as it may be for so many who just dont want the apple cart of their lives upset
too much) is that we really dont use our eyes to see with!
We use our MIND to see, not our eyes. If a child is born blind, then there is a part of the mind
not functioning, which could be related to Karma or some other type of trauma, but it does not
have anything to do with the physical body. If good eyesight depended upon good eyes then
BILLY would not have had 20/20 vision, because according to fully LICENSED eye doctors,
Johns eyes were in tough shape.
I personally witnessed Billy doing all sorts of things happily without glasses that I knew were
impossible for JOHN!
I could write a book on this one guy alone, but I must move on because there is so much more to
Here is another HOLOGRAPHIC DISCLOSURE VIDEO talking about things that most people
dont consider to be possible. It is a must watch!

The point I really want to make clear in all of this is that these SECRET SOCIETIES are up to
something very big! And, its NOT JUST CONTROL OF THE PLANET! Its the total control of
consciousness everywhere!
What they (the BLACK MAGICIANS ) really want to do (IN MY OPINION) is to take as large a
chunk of the total reality of Prime Creators own Creation, and to literally hi-jack that chunk
and then use it for their OWN nefarious purposes! That chuck of reality goes far, far, far
beyond the physical body already!
For those of you who think this is IMPOSSIBLE, just remember that ALL CREATION IS
There are those individuals who may be thinking that this is all too difficult to understand and
oh, when I die Ill be safe from that.
Not according to all of these frequency experiments, which the government agencies having
been working on right since the days of the NAZIs!

And remember this: They brought the very BEST NAZIs back to the good ol US of A, to live
and work among us!
Now THEY (the NAZIs) are running things!
It is my opinion that IF you do not break free of their MAGIC and MIND CONTROL HERE,
while you are on EARTH, you will find yourself under their control in the higher levels as well!
A lot to think about!
This entry was posted in Financial/economic information, Illuminati/Terrorism/Corruption, Political, Spiritual and
tagged Central Intelligence Agency, Cold War, Eric Lichtblau, Federal Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover, List of former
Nazi Party members, Nazism, Schutzstaffel, United States, World War II. Bookmark the permalink.
The Network of Stolen Consciousness: How Black
Magick is used in Mind Control, by Beth Goobie

Alfred Webre: Positive Timeline, BRICS, Money, Putin &

the Omniverse

19 Responses to Bradley Loves comments on The Network of Stolen

Consciousness: How Black Magick is used in Mind Control, by
Beth Goobie
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Mind Control, By Beth Goobie | Robin Hood Revival

docyme says:
November 25, 2014 at 3:00 am

Frank, interesting comment about eyes, i have learned, its easier to adjust
frequencies when eyes are closed and Knowing that I Am Infinite Energy


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Anisha says:
November 17, 2014 at 9:20 pm

Thank you Jean and Bradley for adding to the Unique Collective Awareness (as per
Frank OCollins)


Jean says:
November 17, 2014 at 9:53 pm

Anisha, Ive got this ready to publish. Its just great! Thanks and hugs, ~Jean

Angel Joy Andis says:

November 17, 2014 at 1:26 pm

Omg i am tripping as i write this. It triggered in me a memory of something which

happened on 2 April 2012! I was driving across the Hood Canal bridge on my way to Pt
Townsend, WA. When I got on St Hwy 19 to PT I became aware suddenly that there
was a man following me in a silver sedan. He was so close to my car I couldnt see his
headlights. However fast or slow I was going this character was always up my BUMper.
At one point I looked and no one was behind me at all and then WHAM again he

reappeared out of nowhere. I pulled into a nearby gas station without signalling. He
pulled in too after looking puzzled at my impulsive move!
He rolled down his passenger window all the way, while I rolled my driver side window
down a crack. He informed me that he had reported me to to WSP because of my
reckless driving. I inforned him that he had been harrassing me by vehicle since the
hood canal bridge and if he did not drive away immediately I was going to call 911 on
HIM! He continued the banter saying go ahead, call the cops I already told you I called
on you so I got out my mobile and as I was nturning it on he peeled out of there. I
remember trying to memorize his plate number yet by the time a dispatcher got on with
me some of it was forgotten. When my call was transferred to WSP they took my report
and all my information, and then promptly informed me that NO ONE had phoned in to
report me, my car for any reason not that day or any other.
They asked me where I was and where my antagonist was and while I told them he
drove away, what I didnt tell them was that the car DISAPPEARED after it turned
down the road?
I was in a state of shock until I arrived at my destination. The rest of the days events
proved to me that someone or something was sent to try and block me! I mentally
keep coming back to this event and I have reviewed my entry into my journals for more
information asa it has now been awhile.nothing about this encounter makes any sense
unless there was a tear in the matrix as described here. Thank you Bradley much love
always xxx.

Jean says:
November 17, 2014 at 1:29 pm

Amazing . . . and one for Bradley to comment on . . .


Thanks and hugs,


Angel Joy Andis says:

November 18, 2014 at 11:02 am

I am very interested in any feedback as my subconscious has been

reminding me that I underwent a profound spiritual lesson!

Angel Joy Andis says:

November 18, 2014 at 11:04 am

Hoping for any feedback. This was so profound to me. I know there was
a great spiritual teaching in this.

nadia says:
November 17, 2014 at 1:18 pm

Maybe you can extend you no consensus to the whole matrix of the planet and get
bigger results.And visualize the changings you want for the planet and the people to live
in a different reality would help it to manifest it.Power is not difficoul to gain but wisdom
is much more important and we need wisdom to use creative power in the best way.I
understand your problems with the matrix as I also have similar onesThe dark people
use other people consciously or unconsciously, they work for them for little money or
stupid things and then they get the karma and sufference for what they have done and
they get enslaved .Few people knows it or just realize it,t is quite sad and I hope they
awake before is too late for them.Is true that in afterlife there are similar situations .so
better to awake while alive I think we have not much choice so we will manage and
morever the Creator is tired of these frequencies!

JUlie Farrell says:

November 17, 2014 at 1:53 am

Dear Bradley.what declaration on Jeans site ? my husband and I are wanting to break
our contracts and protect ourselves from the evil sorcery being perpetrated upon us all
.alas, we are new to this knowledge of the magic of words, spellings and contracts and
need trustworthy guidance .please? thank you kindly and much, julie

Jean says:
November 17, 2014 at 4:54 am

Jolie, do a search on my site, using the word declaration. hugs, ~Jean


Janice Taylor says:

November 16, 2014 at 9:48 pm

Frank, I am a newbie to all this and for the last few months find myself believing things
that a year ago I would never have thought it possible to even contemplate let alone
believe. I just want to say that I am very appreciative of all that is being said on these
blogs right now. Understanding things like teleportation or time travel being possible as
our bodies are frequencies takes some getting used to yet it is perfectly logical once
understood. Everything hidden is being revealed, and apart from everything else going
on in our world, these are exciting and fascinating times we are living in and little by
little doors are beginning to open where we once thought they were firmly closed if not
for blogs such as these I too would still be closed, so I thank you and Bradley too for all
the work, research and sharing of your experiences with kindest regards Janice

Bradley says:
November 16, 2014 at 8:14 pm

Thank you again for visiting one of my posts, and caring enough to comment. To you my
friend, and with deep respect, I think we CAN do it. I think thats exactly why YOU (as
in you personally) and me (as in me personally ) are here! We are the ones who CAN DO
IT! Let me explain!
This is going to sound STRANGE so get ready for it and buckle up! WE are not really
here! This WORLD is something that is other than what we are being told it is. ONCE
enough of those of us who are here to do something about it, really get that, it will loosen
the hold that it (the matrix) has upon the minds of the rest!
When I said that Ive stopped consenting to everything, I really meant that. Ive done a
deep house cleaning of every contract and every permission Ive ever given such, that

the Matrix, now having no real AUTHORITY to touch me any more has reduced itself
to laughable INTIMIDATION TACTICS to try to get me to once again BELIEVE IN
Do you remember how I wrote that many time Police or COPS will simply show up
exactly where others are doing small petty crimes and suddenly get caught? (Just so
they can be made to PAY THEIR CURRENCY) into the system? The matrix sends
those cops in the correct direction! The game is rigged from outside the system.
And yet our leaders and those monstrous criminals who do crimes daily, not only dont
get caught, they get supported by the police!
Because I am moment by moment, no longer giving my consent to anything the
Matrix considers important, it USES THE IMAGE of POLICE or SHERRIFs VEHICLES
and/or loud SIRENS as its signal to me that it is very displeased with me, and that I
should once again cower and be fearful of it.
I have started to use my NON-CONSENT as a DAILY MANTRA Going around
removing consent for anything and everything. (You really have to be serious and
understand that you really mean it). And, What in turn is happening is laughable!
The very moment I strike a chord the Matrix does not like (if Im driving) a police car
suddenly appears behind me (which is the Matrix Intimidating me).
So then what I do is tell the MATRIX that I DO NOT CONSENT TO THIS
INTIMIDATION TACTIC and that this one incident will now cost the living beings
involved (as per the Declaration) something like One Quintillion ounces of pure gold!
The reason the amount is so high, is because its IMPOSSIBLE TO PAY! Thats the only
reason. But it gets the attention of the MAGICIANS!
So then, because they are now pissed, a second police car, and and third will suddenly
appear (coming from side streets and other roads) once again only as IMAGES of
INTIMIDATION! They do no stop me, but simply are there to say BE AFRAID OF
EACH ONE GOING A DIFFERENT DIRECTION, as a sign to me personally. They only
arrived there just as I did to push the button to cross the street. Do you see? Our reality

is BEING MANIPULATED BY SOMETHING. It is doubtful those cops even realized

that they arrived at that Intersection at the same time the others did, and had no clue
that some force inside their MINDS had manipulated them to turn all of the right
corners while driving to be there at that exact moment to INTIMIDATE Me for what I
was saying.
I laughed, and went on my way and said I DO NOT CONSENT TO THIS
INTIMIDATION CEASE AND DESIST (speaking directly to the Magicians running
the Matrix) and just then several more police cars drove by in a hurry with sirens
Ive been on many walks and have had this happen over and over again. Its getting too
funny already.
That Declaration (that is on Jeans site) severed all of the ties they had or could use to
hurt me! Unfortunately, when this happens, what the Matrix usually does is try to hurt
someone very close to you that STILL gives it its power and authority. So you have to
be careful and get them involved too.
Ive healed my own body of some very serious issues simply by realizing that the body
is just a frequency locked in the matrix, and thus the illness is a discord being projected
onto it. I simply use my mind to correct the frequency and the illness vanishes. (And the
matrix get pissed!)
Ive had a dozen Chem trail planes follow me on trips across the US literally covering the
path ahead of me for 1500 miles! (You think the Magician arent scared?) They know
that if enough of us break this Matrix just like NEO the rest will soon start to wake
up too.
Ask yourself how TIME TRAVEL is even possible? OR Teleportation? It possible
because our bodies are just frequencies! And the mechanical device used to move our
frequencies is simply refocusing and and retuning our frequencies to another point on
the radio frequency dial. Thus our bodies suddenly magically appear (magnetically
appear) somewhere or sometime else.
Frank, Ive had entire buildings suddenly appear out of thin air in one day, when the
Matrix had no choice but to change something in the game that affected me personally.

One day, it was an empty lot the next day covered with small buildings that had
been there supposedly for 50 years.
something is not right!
What you and I are here to do is to BUST this thing! So that the others who are unable
to bust it, can also get free, when it falls!
All my love to you Frank

docyme says:
November 25, 2014 at 2:57 am

Frank, thanks for the reminder and the clues, its late or early, no its now and I
will find jeans declaration page

Jean says:
November 25, 2014 at 3:22 am

Do a SEARCH on my blog using the word DECLARATION . . . Hugs,


Frank R says:
November 16, 2014 at 5:29 pm

People who read here are ARE the choir. We dont need any convincingwell not much
anyway. Its great to say we have to wake up but we we have NO WAY to spread the
word.the sheeple DO NOT listen to the fact that they have Chemtrails directly over
their head when they are right in front of them and you show them. I have tried and
Add to this that the sites that prove Chemtrails are being taken down left and right and
replaced with Debunking sites and what can we do. If we cannot accomplish something

so simple that is front of their eyes how will we convince them of this kind of
information? We need more solutions for better communications at this time and less
repeating of information we have already learned although it is helpful to those who read
here that are new to this.
Unless its on TV, they will not believe anything. You might catch a few with interest
that will listen.maybe 1 in 1000 but thats it. I believe we are wasting much time going
over the same thing over and over again to we the same people instead of a concerted
world wide effort to come up with a new means of communication which will rapidly
spread the info.
I do not think Facebook or Twitter is going to cut it. I dont do Facebook or Twitter due
to the exposure to the Alphabets. I wish it were different.
Deep Respect. Frank R

Di,Cerrillos,NM,USA says:
November 17, 2014 at 6:04 pm

I agree with you, Frank. I have decided that Im wasting my time trying to
convince the hybrids. I will only speak to Hu-mans now.

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