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The Great CON of Man: Esoterics, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order Part Eight, by Bradley Loves | 2012: What's the

The Great CON of Man: Esoterics, the Supernatural, Magicians,

Mind Control, and the New World Order Part Eight, by
Bradley Loves
Posted on October 30, 2014

Everything we are seeing in the world today HAS to be seen and understood
from the point of view that TIME has been compromised!
One night, I sat watching a video of a lecture being given in a Washington D.C. hotel. The
speaker was Phil Corso Jr., the son of the late Colonel Philip Corso, the Army Intelligence Officer
who wrote the Book: The Day After Roswell.
Not only was Colonel Corso a highly decorated officer, but he also worked in the White House
under Eisenhower and in the Pentagon under Kennedy. He was the first man, as far as I knew,
to claim in print (in his book) that there were bases on the Moon, and also on Mars.
His son was giving a lecture on advanced technology and time travel.
UFOs are NOT the big secret he was saying. In fact, the Government would have come clean
with that years ago if not for one thing.
I watched the younger Corso pause for effect.
The one thing that the government cannot ever admit to at ANY cost is that TIME HAS BEEN
COMPROMISEDThis was the one thing that would get anyone, anywhere, killed instantly a
few years ago if they disclosed it
At this point, he continued, There are some who are more willing to let this kind of thing out
now, and I am always told, he added, what I can and cannot say in these lectures. Yes, Ive
sold out, but Im protecting my family, he finished, frowning sadly.
In the rest of the lecture Corso said that the reason UFOs were secret is that the technology
they used in intergalactic flight was, in fact, a type of time travel, and that almost ALL of the
conventional physics taught in regular Universities was total bunk. If they talked about UFOs
and where they came from, conventional physics would not support travel from that distance.
That type of technology itself BY DEFAULT made UFOs a necessary secret.
Later, I remember watching a rerun of the older Corso being interviewed by a late night talk



The Great CON of Man: Esoterics, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order Part Eight, by Bradley Loves | 2012: What's the

show host when his book first came out. (approx 1991). The question was: How can you even be
saying all this stuff and get away with it? I mean there is no one out there in the military backing
you up. No one!
I watched the elder Corso smile, as he said, And have you noticed that all they DO ever say
[the military] is: We Have No comment On The Book.
Why is that? The host asked.
Because I am a Retired Colonel from the US Army in good standing, and any military person
anywhere who calls me a liar either in print or on television, I could have thrown into the brig
for smearing an officer. My rank still stands. He added.
My commanding officer passed away recently, and I am the last officer in charge of the
particular intelligence that we were keeping secret. Since I am the last one living, the
decision, whether or not to reveal it falls to me. I choose to tell. There isnt anyone else who can
tell me not to, since this intelligence was not theirs to keep even a General couldnt, because
he was not read into it.
After watching that interview, I determined to find out everything about Time Travel, the Moon
Base, the Mars Base, and the rest. I went to lectures and watched videos. I got a real break in
late 2009 when Andy Basaigo did his first Coast to Coast interview with George Noory, and
spilled the beans about Teleportation and Project Pegasus.
It was through Andy that I was able to meet, and talk with his friend Brett Stillings. The man
was living near Pasadena, California, and I called him and set up a meeting one day just to talk.
He was very happy to meet with me.
He was an interesting man, who, like Andy had told me, was very bright, but after working with
the CIA for many years had had his mind severely messed with. Still, he was fun and interesting
to chat with, and was very forthcoming in a lot of ways.
We were sitting outside a nice coffee shop, having really great coffee.
Were you really on Mars? I asked him, getting right to the point.
He simply nodded affirmatively. I worked a lot for the CIA afterwards, he said, and he began
to tell me about working with the Grays, certain advanced weapons that the government had



The Great CON of Man: Esoterics, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order Part Eight, by Bradley Loves | 2012: What's the

gotten from the Grays, and about his life and his Dads life, working for the company.
Talking about hand held weapons, They are literally electro pulse guns, he said. Three
settings the first one stuns, the second setting kills, and the third setting will vaporize
Sounds like Star Gate stuff to me. I sighed.
Yea, but these guns really exist! he said emphatically.
Have you ever had it done to you? I asked him.
Everybody gets it done to them at least onceon the stun setting just to see what it feels
like, unless you have a weak heart; in that case, even the stun setting might kill you, he added.
And they got these from . . . ? I asked.
The Grays he repeated.
We talked for several hours and ended up driving to a very nice park.
I was almost broke and living on the streets many times, he said sadly. Thats what they do
to you if you dont like to play their game their way. They mess your life up. He added. I
never liked working for these guys, they can be really abusive.
I simply stared at him.
One time I was, actually sleeping on the street with no money, and no place to live, and a guy
appeared out of nowhere, and gave me money and a job. I think my Dad sent him from the
Your Dad? I asked.
It must have been time travel he said, because the guy who was helping me said they had
found out that I was being punished for talking too much, and he was going to save me.
Really, I said intrigued. Who were you talking to when you said too much? I asked.



The Great CON of Man: Esoterics, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order Part Eight, by Bradley Loves | 2012: What's the

I dont know. All I know is that they said I was seen sitting in a park near JPL at a picnic table
talking to some guy.
(We were at a picnic table in a park.)
Which park were you in? I asked. This one, he said.
Well, what table were you at? The one we are sitting at, he smiled.
What??? I blurted.
He laughed. I dont know if youre the guy or notmaybe not, but even if you are, Ive already
paid for it, so dont worry.
Later he showed me his Google Earth page littered with hundreds of dropped pins on every
Monument, Military Base, and other locations, as well with lines of distance, and angles of
degrees, written in, making a crazy spiderweb pattern on the globe that appeared on his
computer screen.
He said, these guys are wacko into Magic! There isnt a Base, a Metropolitan area, a monument,
or a church, that isnt an exact number of distance in miles, or special degree of angle from the
next important thing. The whole planet is set up like some wacked out Satanic chess board. He
added. Its all magic!
I left him, thinking that this magic thing needed to be looked into far more deeply.
It was a few months later, after making many contacts on Social Networking Sites that I was
contacted by a man I didnt know. He claimed to also know about Mars, and a few people who
had been there.
I dont know what youve heard, but the Humans from Earth arent the only people there. he
Who else lives there? I wrote back.
Native Martian humans, and other native Martians, some Grays, but there is also a colony of
Anunnaki, he wrote.



The Great CON of Man: Esoterics, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order Part Eight, by Bradley Loves | 2012: What's the

As I understand it, the Anunnaki are gone! I shot back him.

Well thats not true, he wrote. They are still very much around. In fact they think they own
the Earth.
From what I was told, they abdicated the Earth in the Early 1990s.
Nope, still here, at least as far as I knowand on Mars, as of 2004, which came from one of the
guys I know who was there.
Well, I did happen to see a video of Kerry Cassidy interviewing Bob Dean who sort of halfway
alluded to the idea that the Anunnaki were still around.
They are! The man said. In fact, MARDUK, spends a lot of his time in Vegas.
THEE Marduk? The jerk who tried to take over the Earth from his family, and enslave
everyone living here? That guy is an absolute BRAT! I wrote back.
There was a very long pause.
Ive never heard anyone talk about him like that. Most people are scared of him. Youve got
some cahones saying that in print. He wrote finally.
Well, IF he exists, he must be what? 5,000, 10,000, 100,000 years old?
I wrote.
He looks about 40, the man wrote, Very good looking, and likes to sit at gambling tables all by
Well they DONT OWN the Earth! I wrote angrily. And they dont own me! I added.
Youre sure brave, he wrote finally.
Listen, I wrote to him, I am an immortal soul, infinite and eternal. I have Prime Creator
backing me up! Only HE is the creator of souls. No other being deserves my respect or awe. I
dont care HOW OLD Marduk is, he will die eventually, and he will pay for any misdeeds like
every other soul.



The Great CON of Man: Esoterics, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order Part Eight, by Bradley Loves | 2012: What's the

Dont get me wrong, the guy wrote, I agree with you, its just that the US Military seems to
be working with these guys, so we have to be careful.
Well that figures . I wrote back.
Every time a new alien race comes along, the Military believes everything they say.
When will these Military-types turn spiritual, and realize that we are ALL equal souls in the
eyes of Prime Creator, AND that no other races out there are more special than the others,just
more advanced. I said.
The guy then thanked me and left the site that we were on.
That was weird I thought, which finally set me thinking back on my entire life. I spent days
going over each year of my life, and my memories of it, and suddenly concluded that very
strangely, most of the people I knew, or did work for, or seemed to just pop into my life, were
Some worked for the Navy, Some for the Marines, while others were former assets for the CIA,
and other agencies.
Since Im in construction, and build things for a living, I dont know how many jobs I was called
to do for countless military types. It was then that I began to wonder if I, too, was being
tracked through time!
Part Nine to be publishes soon.
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