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Sat si) ge Mel pS cetlarlne tat Greed (0 How many people can you fit in Karbala Bolus VE gail! gle Ha gids Sluts ei yals pe Slalually sil yall nisle (iy go Ges Gis cogs! adleys 33 Ob Lgl! oy Clay wot! Gogh s Aull doled! Gg! 89 Sg 54! (68 slscy! Ssalis Ysa Gum splat! 138 515 gale Y Jge saad Gly aes Glaea ll GY! AV Jghal ale 19 1 Si Aig O gale Yr Gayily agtag AUEY! gle Gah gill LaLa! saan dull 9 SUS coi oli gf sale peliuial AUS toga Y Laue 258 ie pied aS RAL only aga Lgale Faas Stacy isan ilfiab {lt Rall ane alia! age Ve g alii Vs G 5 Gov Media has been transmi ages between two wide shot cameras stationed on bi K 417 numerous claims of projected vistors ranged from 20million to 6 to17but the Religious clergy just mentioned the Number 2 mi /@ no RFID scans absolutely no tally method in place so the only way we can estimate the numbers is by simply measuring the area and dividing the result by the displacement of one person established at 4sq Ft. (2ft x 2ft). ‘tind Syed sine Salad sad tase sear More Mojon ‘eee vant otc SamareKers around Dt Mn says 16 mon pln wl rach Karbala é Say recor 17 mln Shite pls ‘emanate rn gels VV Jo eu! WV aie se cule cesta L5G eee YHVENYAIY pgall Ggule ¥ git dane ht CAM2 Clergy state number at 2 million Area Caculation from Bing maps or google Earth Sx! ISS 3] LAU oy Gb oe SLU le 1 obs! . 1 Person iy pce eter wf acionse es 1 Yeu So nosy ot acs aR Fi amy ¥ Unsaved places - A 1 ll gay pub ne ann andar para pr o 4159 Ft per person atx ate Average Mowe calculate ll reas & we are cxageratng a the area includes Buildings Structures Tents vehicles Standing shoulder te shoulder the areas total 1164576 sq Ft Divide the area by sq ft/person the exagerated result 291,144 people oe BL ey ea ead Uy WEN dn 9985 arigh QL gal dalla) byes! LS) gig &,UW! @lly cli! CloLue US Ugatzg culllgg cubase Isig6e I Lopty uly age G GLI YANNEE pas ELI Bie wT 88d SG Y pyy Ge SV Ghee Go Shing py! dt) o9mee Go Shia laos aly ogy § ee oy del Ye ded Sls sdpily SIpakdl GgS fall go G5! GSlel g Shel Qld 9905 Gb Eyleodl Gh ,bil ody Yl OLS YSN EE® pall slg oe QoSw pgell Gadts SyL 5 doy jolts gear! GI sands ALI I+ G pal GLa! FAL,TEE GSI ASS Y PLY! Ga GS Glo glands Doletndy ged pgy QS amy Ig! GL! EWN» gSyll DsSen aed! bY pg: 10 Lue 13! Y 99 Gully cgilleal! VI) 5g GET Gliod clic ya AIS f Iga le de Lear GIL! SY La gy Y ly cas Glge Ue oe Bah Sally GUlaily AW jy0 LSyas WS Ye obyy Lael! Mia ey! quae! ygel al bie... Gulley alse) jae LS Gym 1 gesedl Ar Ol ply) V+ Bab GL! pode V.1O lao! gl aeigll pgall S GLI \voje++ Ge AST daill sual! 3S I Se Y dole VA Yes 291,144 people at one day on condi jon that they all stand shoulder to shoulder including all the areas that include buildings tents etc...which is an exageration on our part only to see how much can this amount os space actually fit if it were empty. There are poeple who will come for one day others will stay for longer as there sno other way of calculating this is the only possible way to get any close to real figures so far, we can then compare with other events around the world where numbers were calculated to get a feel of crown density and temerature analysis comparison, So if we calculate that 291,144 poeple will be there in one day for 10 days we will be dealing with an already exagerated number of 2,911,440 people. If we say they all stayed for 15 days which is the absolute maximum with an even larger 'y of 18 hours & our experience & in comparison to other events we estimate the number to be no more than 125,000 people per day, a total of 1.25 Million poeple total . How poeple want to interpret this data, what they want to add or remove is really up to them but we ere dealing with a set geography that we had already exadurated, which is by far more accuate than random numbers tossed around by people who did not even consider the time to calculate what is physically possible.!! Other Organized Examples oi clare alice) compond exageration we arrive at a total of 4,476,160 people. Based on calculation and feel for an acti Vatican Mass OS SWI ula Area Area: 462,471 sq ft Estimated at 80 to 120 thousand Vets USUI Emile doles Wylde Or,0++ Gu pall ous! Greenpeace Castor Demonstration 7.11.2010 Dannenberg, Germany seated and standing up to 2 hours 50,000 People (iss viasernsce tallies eWevt aL! BsB9 Quel sual! Blas Wl oy sabe Sel ga Se Ube WINS Ul Ae Sse CBs! ILE gay

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