5th Grade What Matters To You

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Unit Name:

What Matters To You?

Unit Description: How do we impact our world? How is the world changing? In this unit students will focus upon the important elements that make
up ecosystems. They will look at the fragile food chains within the ecosystems and the effects and impacts upon them. Students will review prior
knowledge and learn about the cycles that are at work within our world and how humans can impact those systems. They will examine natural and
manmade factors that affect animal and plant communities and reflect on their responsibility in protecting existing ecosystems. Students will look
at the biodiversity in the world around us and begin to analyze how we can make positive changes within our world. The students will have a twopart project in this unit. The first will be halfway through the unit. Students will create a Tedtalk like presentation on an environmental issue. The
goal will be to teach us about their topic and to convince us to take on their topic as a class initiative. This project will review the terms, definitions
and skills learned in the first part of this unit. The second project will be a cumulative activity for the whole class where will pick a topic and as a
class construct a way to become active participants in solving this topics problem.

Key Vocabulary: Abiotic, biotic, producers, consumers, decomposers, depletion, endangered, extinct, threatened, organism, habitat, species,
population, community, ecosystem, adaptation, camouflage, mimicry, parasite, host, food chain, omnivore, carnivore, herbivore, scavenger, food
web, energy pyramid, diversity, carbon cycle, water cycle, environmental ethics, overpopulation, environmental responsibility, deforestation,
overfishing, pollution, global citizenship

Students will learn to:

Demonstrate comprehension of how to classify organisms within an ecosystem
Recognize that changes in an ecosystem are due to natural and manmade causes
Assess the effects of mans activities and modern technology on the environment
Identify different factors the can affect the balance between the different elements within an ecosystem
Demonstrate comprehension of the interaction between biotic and abiotic elements in different ecosystems
Focus upon the responsibilities of humans in the world
Justify and defend an opinion created from scientific evidence
Rule on and recommend a scientific study for the class
Take on the role as an active global participant

Project #1
To begin our What Matters To You? project #1 we will be focusing on environmental issues in Florida and the world. Your job will be to choose a
significant environmental issue and create a 5 minute presentation persuading your class as to why we need to take on this issue. You must speak
passionately demonstrating a solid science foundation in your argument. All vocabulary words need to be used within your presentation if it fits
appropriately. You must be sure to be enthusiastic and passionate about your topic. Choose wisely.
Step 1: Create a list of websites that will be helpful for you when researching your topic.
Step 2: Research your topic and complete detailed notes.
Check in: ____________________________________
Step 3: Complete an outline for your presentation.
Step 4: Make a rough draft of your presentation that demonstrates your topic and vocabulary clearly.. Get your rough draft approved Ms. Kern. You
must have her sign the following line in order to move on. YOU MUST NOT MOVE ON UNTIL YOUR DESIGN HAS BEEN APPROVED.
Check in:_____________________________________________________
Step 5: Accumulate the materials you will need for the project. Get your props/slides/movies together.
Step 6: Create the final draft of your project. Be sure to check in with Ms. Kern as your work on your final draft. Not having three signatures WILL
impact your grade.
Check in 1: ________________Check in 2__________________Check in 3______________
Step 7: Prepare and practice your presentation.
Step 8: Present your project. Your presentation must be no more than 5 minutes long. Please be sure to make eye contact, speak loud and clear and
be enthusiastic while explaining your design.
Step 9: Examine and evaluate your project. Reflect on your work. (See rubric)

To begin our What Matters To You? project #2 we will be focusing on a single environmental issue in Florida. As a class you will choose a one of
the environmental issues presented in class. Together in a group you need to create a presentation as to why we should care about this issue. The
class will also come up with a plan to assist with this issue as a 5th grade community. Your presentation will once again be 10 minutes. It must
persuade our community as to why we need to take on this issue. You must speak passionately demonstrating a solid science foundation in your
argument. Every single student in the class must have a part. All vocabulary words need to be used within your presentation if it fits appropriately.
You must be sure to be enthusiastic and passionate about your topic. Choose wisely. My expectation is you work together, each person must have a
job and everyone must be an active participant daily.
Step 1: Create a list of websites that will be helpful for you when researching your topic.
Step 2: Research your topic and complete detailed notes.
Check in: ____________________________________
Step 3: Complete an outline for your presentation.
Step 4: Make a rough draft of your presentation that demonstrates your topic and vocabulary clearly.. Get your rough draft approved Ms. Kern. You
must have her sign the following line in order to move on. YOU MUST NOT MOVE ON UNTIL YOUR DESIGN HAS BEEN APPROVED.
Check in:_____________________________________________________
Step 5: Accumulate the materials you will need for the project. Get your props/slides/movies together.
Step 6: Create the final draft of your project. Be sure to check in with Ms. Kern as your work on your final draft. Not having three signatures WILL
impact your grade.
Check in 1: ________________Check in 2__________________Check in 3______________
Step 7: Prepare and practice your presentation.
Step 8: Present your project. Your presentation must be no more than 5 minutes long. Please be sure to make eye contact, speak loud and clear and
be enthusiastic while explaining your design.
Step 9: Examine and evaluate your project. Reflect on your work. (See rubric)

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