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Rachel Blakes

23 September 2014
The original intentions for our federal government were for it to, ensure
national security, maintain order, resolve conflict, provide services and provide for
public good. These all-sound good when they are executed consistently; however, I
do not believe our government consistently executes these functions. Our
government is the correct size; it just does not count for much because of its lack of
On August 9, 2014 Michael Brown, an unarmed teen, was shot several times
and killed by an officer of the law. Regardless of the innumerable speculations made
about the circumstances of this murder, the occurrence in itself sparked uproar in
Ferguson, MI. The people responded to this injustice with riots, protests, and
looting. This caused the government to intervene with the eventual provision of
National Guard services to maintain the order for what seemed to be the public
good; however, a great percentage of the people who were tear gasses, were
peaceful protestors. Where is the security, liberty, or good in that?
On July 15, 2008, two-year-old Caylee Anthony was reported missing. Her
remains were later found on December 11, 2008. As the entire country formed its
own version of the truth regarding this case, Jeff Ashton, the prosecutor, gathered
his evidence. All of the signs pointed to mother, Casey Anthony, who was put on

trial in May of 2011, and eventually acquitted in July of the same year. Her acquittal
could possibly have been stopped had the prosecutors not overlooked a key piece of
evidence. After Anthonys acquittal, a search of her computer revealed a search done
for fool proof suff[o]cation. This evidence would have called into question or even
disproved several of the defenses stories. This could be considered to some a
simple mistake; however, this simple mistake allowed a woman who was just barely
proven a murderer, go free. Where was Caylees justice, who protected her? Our
system prevents the use of evidence found after the verdict in a murder case. Had
this not been the case, Casey Anthony would not be free today. The system that we
created saw it just, for this same woman to go free.
These inconsistencies are what make our government seem as though it does
not function within its intended realm. I believe it functions within its intended
boundaries; however, it does so, inconsistently. Our government oversteps certain
bounds, and under performs others.

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