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Hagan 1

McKenna Hagan
Period 3 English
Mr. King

Blame Game SPES Essay

These violent delights have violent ends And their triumph die, like fire and powder,
which as the kiss, consume. -William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet's love is forbidden with
their families being enemies but ultimately the death of the young brings the families together.
This tragic story has many ups and downs with conflicts occurring throughout, but one major
event that needs blaming is the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Even if the Friar Laurence and
Benvolio may be blamed because they were trying to help and do what is right, Romeo is the
most to blame for their deaths because he was young and foolish.

When Romeo fought Tybalt and killed him he was not thinking and it caused him and
others problems. In Act 3 Scene 1, lines 130-131, Romeo says Staying for thine to keep him
company. Either thou or I, or both, must go with him. If he had not killed Tybalt then he would
not have been banished and rest of the events would not have happened. Another reason he is to
blame is because if Romeo had not drank the poison before kissing Juliet than he would have
known she was still alive and they both would have lived. Act 5 Scene 3, lines 94-96, Romeo
said Beautys ensign yet Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, and deaths pale flag is not
advanced there. And lastly if Romeo had not rushed Juliet to marry him then he would not have
had his heart in his eyes and caused all this trouble. Act 2 Scene 2, lines 93-94 O gentle

Hagan 2

Romeo, If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully. -Juliet, Romeo was an immature boy who
could not handle his extreme emotions and constantly thought of himself and his needs before
thinking of others and that is why he is the most to blame for his own death and Juliets.

Some may say Friar Laurence is to blame because he was the one who married Romeo
and Juliet. In Act 2 Scene 6, lines 35-37, where the Friar marries Romeo and Juliet, the Friar
said Come, come with me, and we will make short work; For, by your leaves, you shall not stay
alone Till holy church incorporate two in one. He was a contribution to the deaths of the two
because he arranged for Juliet to fake her own death and the plan did not succeed. But he is not
the most to blame because Romeos careless actions greatly outweighed the Friar Laurence's
selfish plans.

Benvolio is another character that can be blamed because he had tried to help Romeo find
a girl at the ball to help bring Romeo back into reality again and forget about Rosaline. In Act 1
Scene 2, lines 95-100, Benvolio says One fairer than my love? The all-seeing sun Neer saw her
match since first the world begun. Tut! You saw her fair, none else being by, herself poised
with herself in either eye; But in that crystal scales let there be weighed your ladys love against
some other maid. Benvolio tells Romeo to stop being so hung up about Rosaline and to go to
the ball, have fun and find another girl to love and tries to help but it only made things go more
wrong by convincing Romeo to fall in love with Juliet. However, Benvolio is not the most to
blame because Romeo acted so immaturely in the entire situation and caused the most trouble.

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The tragic story of the deaths of two star crossed lovers was inevitable but it was because
of one person and one person only; Romeo. While there are others to blame like Benvolio and
the Friar Laurence, Romeo had done the most damage. Hormones and fate had mixed together
to create a sequence of deaths and tragic events. Romeo was stupid and childish causing trouble
for everyone including himself and in the end it had cost him and many others the ultimate price;
their lives. Throughout all of the tragedy the deaths of the two young people brought the two
opposing families closer together and finally ended the rivalry between them.

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