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By: Kayla Holewinski

Hr. 5
An Accidental needle stick injury is when the skin is accidentally punctured by a
needle during a medical procedure. This is very dangerous because whoever was
accidentally stuck with the needle is now in risk of HBV, HCV, and HIV. The
accidental contact with a dirty needle happeneds most when re-capping the
needle, during surgery, while doing a biopsy, and when taking an unsheathed
needle to the waste container.
Immediate action after needle stick

Never use alcohol to clean an

accidental needle stick!

Let the wound bleed for a

moment and then clean with
water or saline, then disinfect
the wound with soap and water.
Report the incident to allow
proper registration.
A blood sample should be taken
immediately to check for
possible infections on both the
patient and the person with the
accidental stick.
General Prevention
Every health care worker is at risk for an accidental needle stick and the risk of getting a blood
transmitted disease. The most important thing to remember for prevention of needle sticks is
to never put the original needle cap back on the needle. Also, wearing protective clothing
when dealing with needles such as gloves and or an extra layer over your skin, lessens your
chance of getting a blood transmitted disease from a needle stick.

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