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Running head: Person Hood

Timothy Taylor
Person Hood
Colorado Christian University


In Smietanas essay on when does person hood begin the main question was what is the
starting point in peoples mind in which they considering a being to be alive. Is it the egg? The
developed fetus? The developing fetus? The fertilized egg? This is a great question and it
broadened my view point in a way that I was able to see how others felt about life and what is
life. The author is Bob Smietana he acts as a reporter giving the different view points of people
and there dealings with a subject like this. Using a anecdote to begin the essay set the tone for
the rest of the essay. Smietana give no arguments he just reports his findings. The people that
are in the essay are: Pete Singer of Princeton University thinks that kids with developing
problems are not humans. Michael West ceo of Advanced Cell Technology believes that a
embryo is not a human life or a living person. John Kilner director at the center of bioethics and
human dignity thinks personhood is at a later stage of development. Hessel Bouma professor of
biology at Calvin College thinks life doesnt start till after the second trimester. Robert D. Orr
professor of ethics at University of Vermont College Medicine thinks personhood is closer to
conception. Amy laura Hall opposes IVF. Smietana offers many different views on this subject.
He shows how religious people feel verse the view of doctors who do stem cell research and
IVF. Smietana is a freelance religion writer from Chicago.

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