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Gloria Garcia

Research Report

RWS 1301

Research Report: Organic vs. Conventional Food

Gloria Garcia
University of Texas at El Paso

Gloria Garcia
Research Report

RWS 1301
Research Report: Organic vs. Conventional Food

Organic food has become very popular during recent years. Organic food means
making a commitment with healthy eating habits and it is the perfect start towards having
a healthier life, apart from eating more fruits and vegetables organic foods means eating
more whole grains and good fats. How foods are grown can have an impact in our health
but also in the environment. The term organic means the way that agricultural products
are grown and processed. Organic products have their own specific requirements that
they must maintain in order to have the result of what we know as organic. Organic
crops are grown in safe soil; they do not have any modifications. Instead of using
synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, organic farmers always rely on the biological diversity
to reduce the pest organisms, farmers cannot use petroleum-bases fertilizers, they also
may not give any antibiotics, hormones, or any animal-by-products, (Paul, 2014).
According to the USDA (2014) (U.S. Department of Agriculture) the goal of organic
farming and foods is to integrate cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that
foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity.

Many people are not aware of all the benefits organic products have. Recent
comparative studies have shown that organic food contains at least 50% more nutrients,
vitamins such as vitamin C, and minerals, as well as higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids,
(Huber, 2011). One of the main reasons for many bad health conditions in people is the
food they eat. People are not aware that one of the best defenses for the body is eating
organic food. Human body is able to fight diseases, bacteria and viruses when it is fed

Gloria Garcia
Research Report

RWS 1301

with organic products. By eating more organic foods the human body will be healthier
and it will be full with strength and energy. The growth hormones and antibiotics may
cause early maturation in children but especially in young girls, but when eating organic
foods they are helping children mature the way they have to. Organic foods are lower in
fat and this helps fight and prevent obesity, when people have diets high in fat they lead
their bodies to heart diseases, and stroke. Antibiotics that can be found in any
conventional product are the cause of allergies; organic products can prevent allergies to
come out. Many chemicals that are found in conventional food have been linked to some
types of cancer; eating organic food can help prevent cancer since they are foods with no
chemicals added. Some others health benefits of having a diet of only organic products is
preventing having problems with the vision, premature aging but also cognitive
malfunctions. Recent studies also determined that choosing organic food can help to
increase the intake of nutritionally antioxidants and can reduce exposure to toxic heavy
metals such as cadmium, mercury and lead that can cause the block of hemoglobin
production leading to anemia they also cause a lower IQ and other diseases such as
multiple sclerosis. These same heavy metals can damage nerve functions. (Walker,
Organic farming methods avoid the use of any antibiotics, artificial fertilizers and
pesticides; they are grown with natural fertilizers such as compost. Organic products are
often fresher they do not contain any preservatives which make them last longer since
they are produced on smaller farms near the place where they are sold. (Williamson,
2007). The insects are being controlled naturally using traps, birds, and good insects,
weeds are controlled in a natural way by crop rotation, tilling and mulching. Organic

Gloria Garcia
Research Report

RWS 1301

farming helps reduce the pollution in the air since they can help reduce the carbon
dioxide emissions, they conserve water and reduce soil ersion and they reduce the energy
that is being used. Farming without the use of pesticides is better for the birds that are
near the farms. Organic farming gives more space to animals for them to move around by
letting them access to the outdoors, which help keep the animals healthier. (Paul, 2014)
Conventional foods have high levels of pesticides and they do matter since they can cause
developmental delays, behavioral disorders, and also motor dysfunction can be caused in
children, (Paul, 2014). Pregnant women seem to be more vulnerable to pesticides and
these can be passed from mother to child in the womb, and breast milk. (Paul, 2014).
Conventional foods contains many other toxins that are slowly killing our immune
system since they are making it weaker, they also have some kind of chemicals and
artificial hormones. You may pay less for conventional food but it is important to take
into account that they can have a damaging effects on the environment and humans
health, organic food turns out to be less expensive. It is also important to be aware and
remember that the effects of some of the chemicals that are found in conventional foods
in the long term remain unknown.

According to Naoufel Mzoughi (2014) a survey questioner was sent to 638

organic farmers between April and May 201. Farmers were having almost the same
characteristics such as their age was 52 years, 55% of them are individual farms and their
farm size is about 26 hectares. This same questioner was sent to 638 conventional
farmers to compare the results and prove that organic farmers have a better life. People
who consume in a more environmental-friendly manner can raise their satisfaction levels.

Gloria Garcia
Research Report

RWS 1301

Organic farming can be related to a higher subjective well being. Previous research
shows that every organic farmer tries to make their practices rational with their vision of
life. Farmers can feel more stable with their personal convictions that translate into a
higher satisfaction by using only organic techniques, (Naoufel Mzoughi, 2014). Farmers
agree that they are able to get a social approval by improving their relationships with
third parties. By this they mean that farmers experience satisfaction increased by the
status and prestige benefits they might get from pro-environmental activities since
organic farming brings a green image which is very different to the image of the farmerpolluter. Organic farmers increase satisfaction because of the potential status and prestige
benefits that comes from the pro-environmental activities. It has been proved that organic
farming has a favor into autonomy, which can increase life satisfaction. Also people may
feel better if the environment is less polluted. Given that organic farmings mainly
intention is to improve the environmental performance of where the farm is, this causes
farmers to feel more satisfied by evolving in environmental areas, (Naoufel Mzoughi,
2014). It is more likely for individuals to feel more satisfied with their lives if they have
good health, since having an illness prevents any individual to perform certain activities.
Farmers were asked to estimate their levels of health on a scale from 1 being very bad
and 10 being very good. Social relationships such as having friends and neighbors brings
happiness, by this is that having good relations is ley for people to feel more satisfied
with their lives. Farmers were asked to tell how is it their relationship with their farmers
neighbors. Level of life satisfaction is determined by individual characteristics such as
gender, age, and levels of education. Effects indicate that organic farmers are 1.5 %
points more likely to be more satisfied with their life, (Naoufel Mzoughi, 2014). The

Gloria Garcia
Research Report

RWS 1301

adoptions of more environmental-friendly practices are not only related to monetary

gains but also to pleasure and personal satisfaction. Organic animal farms save their
money since animals are not being raised at high stocking density and they are less likely
to be affected by any disease.

In conclusion organic products is the best choice people can choose not only for
human health but also for the best of the environment. Organic products are the fresher
products you could find in the market. It is also important for parents to seek for what is
best for their children, and choosing organic food is what is best for them. Since they
have all the nutrients the kids need in order to grow with a better health and even without
obesity. People must be aware of all the benefits they could get if they change their eating
habits to only organic products.

Gloria Garcia
Research Report

RWS 1301

Baker, B. P., Benbrook, C, M., Groth, III, E., Lutz Benbrook, K. (2001). Pesticide
residues in conventional, integrated pest management (IPM)-grown and
organic foods: insights from three US data sets. Food Additives and
Contaminants, 19, 427-446. doi: 10.1080/02652030110113799

Huber, M., (2011). Organic food and impact on human health: Assesing the status
quo and porspects of research. NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 58,
103-109. doi: 10.1016/j.njas.2011.01.004

Mzoughi, N., (2014). Do organic farmers feel happier than conventional ones? An
exploratory analysis. Ecological Economics, 103, 38-43. doi:

N/A., (2014). Welcome to the national organic program. Retrieved from:

Paul, M., Kemp, G., & Segal, R. ( 2014, October). Are organic foods right for you?.
Retrieved from:

Gloria Garcia
Research Report

RWS 1301

Walker, D., (2009,March). Seven reasons to eat organic. Retrieved from:

Williamson, C.S, (2007), Is organic food better for our health?, Nutrition Bulletin, 32,
104-108. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-3010.2007.00628.x

Zaib, J., (2014,March). Organic farming advantages and disadvantages. Retrieved


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