Equality Essay New

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Jackie Rodriguez
Y. Garza
English II-7
November 20, 2014
There are different ways to view equality, especially in the eyes of the law and everything
beyond just that. Most individuals support the idea of equality when it comes to human rights
concerning religion, race, gender, and so forth. One thing overlooked by those longing for that
type of fairness is the extent of what they are asking for. Both Anthem and Harrison Bergeron
convey to their readers how damaging a truly equal society could be. Now it might not
necessarily be because there is too much equality, rather too much of the wrong kind. As people
press for equality regarding the law, it could lead to it becoming a much bigger issue that would
involve much more than just the fairness within the laws. Vonnegut and Rand both warn their
audience about the drawbacks of this type of society through the narrative about two different
kinds of people affected by their societies demand for equality.
Many believe that reaching a state of absolute equality would form a world without many
faults. Vonnegut, author of Harrison Bergeron, writes Some things about living still werent
right, though. This suggests that even in a world of total uniformity, there were still moral and
ethical flaws. Not all was just and right when it came to how the government operated. There
were especially some situations in Harrison Bergeron and Anthem that proved just how
immoral their societies still were despite overall equality being enforced. Harrison, Hazel and
Georges son, was taken from their home because his intelligence, looks, and strength were far
greater than the rest of societys, meaning he was a danger to their civilization. Usually the

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thought of equality never brings about such images created in both novels. Vonnegut appears to
be warning readers that such equality comes at a price, one that may be too high to pay.
There is a similar sense of forewarning in Rands Anthem about the price for equality.
The opening of the novel creates a tone that suggests the character, Equality, is involving himself
in something that is most likely against the law. This tone turns into a warning within the text
describing the extent their society takes to enforce equality. On page 104 the author writes, to
hold yourself as one alone and with the thoughts of one and not of many you shall be burned
at the stake. This entails that in the novel, Anthem, it is a crime, or transgression, to act by
yourself. In order to avoid being alone with your thoughts, you must stay with your brothers. It is
also wrong to think of ideas no one else has thought of because it is untrue. Uncovering such
transgressions could result in the most extreme consequences including the death penalty. Ann
Rand warns her audience of another drawback from living in a total equal society. This would
involve losing a sense of individuality and our own personality. The drawbacks seem to be
outweighing the benefits of existing in an absolute equal civilization.
The way most people perceive equality relates to the government, our laws, and our
rights. Demand for more equality within such limits could lead to changes to ensure equality
beyond just those boundaries. As Vonnegut shows his readers in Harrison Bergeron, They
werent only equal before God and the law(but) every which way. In order to be equal every
which way, people in Harrison Bergeron were forced to wear what were called handicaps in
order to weaken their strength, dull their intelligence, and hide their beauty. It was a completely
life altering change to the way people lived all for more equality. It seems much greater than a
drawback, but more of a consequential change in societys ethical and moral standards. These

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handicaps were unfortunately a part of these individuals everyday lives and ultimately a part of
These quotes are only a few that depict Vonnegut and Rands warning against a
thoroughly equal society. Both novels show the unconstructive effects of a society that forgets
moral values to ensure similarities in individuals appearance to be considered equal. The degree
of equality portrayed in these novels is a major drawback in the progress the United States has
made. This impairment to humanity should not be something to strive for.

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