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Science Final Exam Review Packet

Scientific Processes
The scientific method provides an organized method for testing a variable. The following must be included for a
controlled experiment:
_____________________: the factor that is purposely changed or manipulated in the experiment.
_____________________: the factor that is changed by the experiment. The outcome, result or factor that produces
_____________________: the factor that not tested and used as a comparison.
_____________________: the factors that are the same throughout the experiment.

The most common measurements in science are length, mass and volume.
What are the base units of each measurement?
Length: ___________ Mass: ___________ Volume: _____________
What tool is used to measure each?
Length: ___________ Mass: ___________ Volume: _____________
The International System of Units (SI) or the Metric System is used to convert
between larger and smaller prefixes of the base unit. What are the base units
of the metric system? ___________, ____________, _______________
What are the 6 most common Metric prefixes? (Remember the King!?!)
______ ______ ______ base ______ ______ ______

The purpose of the microscope is to allow us to see things that we would not
ordinarily be able to see, such as cells. There are many different types of microscopes. The microscopes we used are
called compound microscopes, which means that they have two sets of lenses.
Parts of a compound microscope:
1. ______________: this is where you place your eye. It has a magnifying lens inside.
2. ______________: a knob that makes large adjustments to the focus
3. ______________: a knob that makes small adjustments to the focus (it is often smaller than the coarse focus
4. ______________: these are the first of the two lenses that the image passes through [the second being the
eyepiece]. By rotating the nosepiece, you can choose which objective lens is the best to look through.
5. ______________ & ______________: by adjusting these two parts, you can control how much light is passed
through the specimen.

Total magnification:

In order to determine the total magnification of a specimen, you must multiply the strength of the eyepiece by
the strength of the objective lens that you are using.

[Total Magnification = ______________x


For example, if the eyepiece magnifies something 10X (10 times) and the objective magnifies something 40X (40
times), the total magnification is 400X (400 times).

The Cell
Basic cell information:

The cell is the ________________________________________________

In other words, a cell is the smallest thing that is still considered to be a living thing. Anything smaller is not a
living thing.

_____________________________: are cells that contain a nucleus and other complex organelles. You are made
of these cells!

_____________________________: are cells that DO NOT have a nucleus and are typically smaller.

Cell Theory states

1. All _________ things are made of ___________.
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. All cells come from _____________________.
Organelles found in both plant and animal cells:
1. ______________: the region between the cell membrane and
the nucleus. It is mostly made of water.
2. ______________: a cell structure that contains genetic material
(DNA), the chemical instructions that direct all the cells
activities. It can be considered to be the headquarters of the
3. ______________: a thin, tough band of protein that that
controls which substances can enter or leave the cell
4. ______________: a water filled sac inside a cell that acts as a
storage area for nutrients and waste produces. Vacuoles are
usually much larger in plant cells than they are in animal cells
because they provide the plants with support.
5. ______________: small, dot like structures that make proteins
for the body that can be found on the endoplasmic reticulum or floating freely.

Organelles Found Only Plant Cells:

1. ______________: a rigid (hard) layer of nonliving material that surrounds the cells of plants and some other
organisms; the cell wall is always outside the cell membrane. Cell walls give plant cells strength and support.
2. _________________a structure found in the cells of plants and some other organisms that captures energy from
sunlight (solar energy) and uses it to produce food (chemical energy) in a process called photosynthesis.
3. Chloroplasts contain ______________.
4. Chlorophyll is the chemical which gives plants their green color and allows for the process of
______________________ to take place (where plants making their own food using ______________,
______________and ______________ to produce ______________ and ______________).

The Body Systems

The Respiratory System

The respiratory system is the group of organs responsible for carrying ______________from the air to the
______________and for removing the waste product ___________ ______________from our bodies.

Humans need oxygen to allow our cells to release ______________from the food we eat.

Parts of the respiratory system:

1. ______________ (voice box): a muscular structure at containing the vocal cords
2. ______________ (windpipe): the tube through which air travels from the larynx to the lungs
3. ______________: either of two main branches of the tube following the trachea, leading directly to the lungs
4. ______________: the network of tubes within the lungs, which bring air from the bronchi to the lung's tiny air
sacs (alveoli)
5. ______________ (air sacs): a microscopic, thin-walled, capillary-rich air sac in the lungs where the exchange of
oxygen and carbon dioxide.
6. Left ______________& right ______________: together with the heart, the lungs job is to remove carbon
dioxide from the blood and provide oxygen to the blood.
7. ______________: a muscular membrane under the lungs

Breathing is controlled by the ______________. When the ______________contracts it flattens out and air flows
into the lungs (______________). When it relaxes, it curves upward and air is forced out of the lungs

Gas exchange:

Gas exchange is the process in which ______________is passed into the ______________while
_______________ _____________exits the blood. This occurs in the ______________ (air sac) where they
______________ (tiny blood vessels) are located.

When a person inhales, air flows into the nose and mouth, through the ______________, to the
______________, to the ______________and fills up the ______________found at the end of the

Red blood cells moving through capillaries receive ______________from the alveoli.

The alveoli receive ______________ ______________from the red blood cells.

Diagram of the respiratory system:

-Location of Gas Exchange in the Lungs:

The Circulatory or System

The circulatory systems job is to be the bodys transportation system. It takes

needed ______________ and ______________to cells and takes

______________ products away from cells.

The circulatory system is made of three parts: the ______________,

______________ ______________and ______________.

The heart: the central organ of the circulatory system. It is a ______________muscle which pumps blood through
blood vessels and around the body.
The heart is divided into four chambers with four ________________ that keep the blood flowing backwards into the
previous chambers.

______________: the two lower chambers of the heart

______________ (singular-atrium): the two upper chambers of the heart

Blood Vessels & Blood

______________: blood vessels which carry blood away from the heart

______________: blood vessels which carry blood toward the heart.

______________: tiny blood vessels which allow materials (oxygen, nutrients, wastes) to be exchanged
between the blood and the bodys cells

The four major components of blood are ________________, ____________________, _________________,

and ____________________. Make sure your know the function of each!!!

The Digestive System -- You are what you eat!

The digestive system helps deliver nutrients to the rest of the body, in a form that the
bodys cells can use.
The digestive system has 3 functions:
1. It breaks down ______________into molecules the body can use.
2. It helps move ______________into the bloodstream so it can be carried throughout the __________.
3. It eliminates _________ ____________ from the body.
Parts of the digestive system:
Digestive tract organs:
1. ______________: the first part of the digestive system, where food enters the body. Chewing and
______________ in the mouth are the beginning of the digestive process (breaking down the food).
2. ______________: the long tube between the mouth and the stomach. It uses rhythmic muscle movements
(called ______________) to force food from the throat into the stomach.
3. ______________: a sack-like, muscular organ that is attached to the esophagus. When food enters the
stomach, it is churned in an acid bath into a fluid called ______________.
4. ______________ ______________: the long, thin winding tube that food goes through after it leaves
the stomach. This is where most ______________of nutrients takes place. Small finger-like structures
called ________________ also increase the surface area.
5. ____________________________: the long, wide tube that food goes through after it goes through the
small intestine. This is where absorption of ______________takes place to form ______________.
6. ______________: the lower part of the large intestine, where ______________are stored before they
are excreted from the body.
7. ______________: the opening at the end of the digestive system from which feces exit the body.
The following organs are called accessory organs: they aid in the digestive process by producing enzymes and other
digestive chemicals, but the food doesnt actually move through them.
8. ______________: an enzyme-producing gland located below the stomach and above the intestines that
helps to produce ______________
9. ______________: a small, sac-like organ that releases bile (a digestive chemical which is produced in the
______________) into the small intestine.
- ______________: a small sac located near the start of the large intestine.
10. ______________: a large organ located above and in front of the stomach. It makes ______________
(which breaks down ______________).

Types of Digestion:
The digestive system breaks down food in two ways:

_________________ digestion: the breaking up of food into smaller pieces

Mechanical digestion occurs when muscle is used to break up food. Most _________________ digestion occurs
in the stomach, though some occurs in the mouth (teeth and tongue) and esophagus.

_________________ digestion: using chemicals (enzymes, hydrochloric acid, etc.) to break down food into
molecules the body can use

Most chemical digestion occurs in the small intestine, though some occurs in the _________________ (saliva)
and stomach.


When food has been completely broken down into usable molecules it must be absorbed into the

This happens in the _________________ with the help of finger-like projections called the _________________
that increases the surface _________________ of the small intestines.

There, food is absorbed by _________________ (small blood vessel).

The Excretory System

The job of the excretory system is to remove __________________________from the body.

The excretory system relies on many other body systems to remove

___________________. from the body.

The urinary system is not really a body system, but part of the
___________________ system.

The urinary system removes most of the ___________________waste from your

body in the form of ___________________. Urine is mostly made of water, and

Hello Kidney


The urinary system has four major parts.

1. ___________________: either one of a pair of organs in the abdominal cavity,
which ___________________wastes from blood, which are then excreted as
2. ___________________: a long, narrow tube that carries urine from the kidney
to the bladder
3. ___________________: an elastic (stretchy), muscular sac in which urine
collects before excretion
4. Urethra: the tube through which urine is
Other excretory systems:
The ___________________system is also part of the excretory system. Your lungs
(and alveoli) remove _____________________ _________________and some ___________________(vapor) from
your blood.

The digestive system has several organs which aid in the creation and removal of ___________________waste.
Specifically, the large ___________________, ___________________,and anus are excretory organs.

The ___________________ also acts as an excretory organ, helping to remove waste water, salts and some urea
by sweating or ___________________.

Immune System

The function of the immune system is to _____________________ your body from infectious _____________________.

Disease: an incorrectly functioning organ, tissue, or system of the body. A disease is also called an illness or a

Pathogen: something that causes a disease (more commonly called a germ or _____________________)

As the body recognizes and fights off invading germs, it goes through three levels of response.
Level 1 Response: Keep Out!
- The following body parts and substances prevent pathogens from getting into your body: ________________,
________________, ________________.
If level 1 response doesnt successfully get rid of invaders, the body moves to level 2 response:
Level 2 Response: Inflammatory Response
Fluid and blood cells leak from blood vessels into nearby tissues. The _________________________ then fight the

A macrophage is one type of _________________________ that engulfs or eats pathogens. It can attack any kind of
cell, and is NOT specific to the type of pathogen.
As blood leaks into the area it gets red and hot and swollen, causing an _________________________ (comes from
_________________________ is typical in inflammatory response, as the body tries to heat up to kill off invading
Usually this is successful, but occasionally the body will have to go to level 3 response:

Level 3 Response: Immune Response

Cells can distinguish between different kinds of pathogens and respond with a targeted cell. They remember the
particular pathogen to fight it off next time. They use _________________________ to identify invading cells.
Occasionally, additional medical support such as _________________________ or _________________________ will be
needed to assist the bodys recovery.
Lymphatic System
The immune system works closely with the ____________________________ system.
The ______________________ System includes a network ____________________________________________ and
_________________ _________________ that filter and return __________________(lymph) to the
______________________; it helps to fight _____________________.
1. ______________________: consists of water, glucose and ______________________
2. ______________________: filter lymph, trapping ______________________; makes
____________________________________________; ______________________ when fighting disease
3. Lymph ______________________ through lymph vessels by ______________________
______________________ contraction

The Skeletal System

The skeletal system is made of ___________________, cartilage and

Major Functions:
1. Provides your body with ___________________, and shape
2. Allows us to ___________________.
a. The skeletal and muscular systems rely on each other to allow
movement. Muscles ___________________ on bones to
allow you to move body parts.

3. ___________________ internal organs.

4. - Makes ____________

____________ in the red marrow of certain bones in your body. This is why people

who may have a disease of the blood, like leukemia, may need a bone marrow transplant.
5. Stores certain materials until the body needs them (like ___________________)

Parts of Bones:
1. ___________________bone: Strong, dense bone that forms the outer layer of your bones. This is the material
which gives bones their strength.
2. ___________________bone: Light-weight, porous (full of holes) bone found under the compact bone. Blood
vessels and nerves run through spongy bone.
3. ___________________: Soft tissue that makes red blood cells. In adults, it is only found in certain bones (ends of
the femurs-thigh bones, skull, pelvis and sternum-breastbone).
4. ___________________: Soft tissue found in the center of most bones. It is mostly made of fat.
Types of Joints
Joint: a place where two ___________________meet; there are several types of joints
1. ___________________ (immovable) joint: a joint that cannot move (ex. ___________________)
2. ___________________joint: a joint in which one bone rotates in the ring of another bone (ex.
3. ___________________joint: a joint that only allows back-and-forth movement (ex. ___________________)
4. ___________________joint: a joint in which one bone with a rounded end fits into a cup shaped hole in another
bone (ex. ___________________)
5. ___________________joints: a joint in which one flat bone moves over another (ex. ___________________)

The Muscular System

The main job of the muscular system is ___________________. Your ___________________muscles move your bones, and
your bones move your body. Your ___________________muscle contracts your heart, and squeezes blood out and forces it
through blood vessels around your body, and your ___________________muscles churn up your food. The esophagus
squeezes food to move it through your digestive system.

Muscles fall into one of two categories: voluntary and involuntary muscle.

___________________muscle: muscle that you CANNOT___________________consciously control

___________________muscle: muscle that you CAN consciously control (when you think you want to move it, it


There are three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.
1. ___________________muscle: the unique muscle found only in the ___________________ (it is involuntary
2. ___________________ (striated) muscle: muscle that is attached to bones by ___________________. They make
bones move. It is the only type of muscle you can ___________________.
3. Most skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles. However, reflexes that move skeletal muscles are not voluntary (like
when the doctor taps your knee with the hammer.) Some skeletal muscles are voluntary and involuntary at the same
time, like your ___________________and ___________________.
4. ___________________muscle: muscle that is found in ___________________organs, like your

___________________or ___________________. (It is involuntary muscle)

Muscles work closely with ___________________to help you move.

___________________: tough bands of tissue that attach muscles to bones

When a muscle contracts (shortens) the tendons ___________________on the bones making them move. (Like a
string puppet. A puppeteer pulls on the strings, making the puppet move. The muscles are like the puppeteer. The
strings are like the ___________________. The puppet is like the ___________________.)

Muscles work in ___________________. When one muscle ___________________, an opposite muscle


When you pull your hand to your shoulder, your biceps (the muscle in the front of your upper arm) contract and your
triceps (the muscle in the back of your upper arm) relax. When you straighten your arm, your triceps contract and
your biceps relax.

Integumentary System
The 4 major functions of the integumentary system include:

Draw a diagram of a cross section of skin, color and label the 3 layers and structures.

FINALLY, the body systems work together to maintain a balanced internal environment called ____________________!


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