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Zack De Piero

Rough Draft Interview Questions

1) How does your organization choose the language for its articles and site information?
2) What rhetoric do you feel works best?
3) Who ideally would be the target audience for the artifacts that are made available to the
4) What argument or stance would you say that your organization takes with the articles it
makes available?
5) In general, what is the process used to create your organizations artifacts?
6) Is there a single person that writes everything, or is everything done by a committee?
7) Is there a specific genre or source that you yourself or anyone in the organization
subscribes to help with your organizations stance on this issue?
8) What is the overall message, about your organization, you want to send to the public with
what artifacts your organizations puts out there for us to read?
9) Who came up with the mission statement? And why did they choose to write it the way
they did?
10) Is there a difference in the way that members of your organization communicate with
each other, through emails and internal newsletters for example, than they would to the
outside public?

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