Legalizing Marijuana 11111 1

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Eduardo Tellez-Giron
Professor Salome
University of Texas at El Paso



Legalization of marijuana would make it legal to smoke, besides other activities such as
medical purposes and recreational activities. Marijuana legalization would be a significant
system shift for United States. In many countries, marijuana use is only restricted for medical use
as a part of the ongoing war on drugs. Those who support the legalization of this drug argue that
it will earn the American government revenue through taxation and hence put an end to the
racially skewed arrest on the war against drugs. The idea of this paper is to assess critically
the views of opposing the side and those of proposers on the topic; legalization of marijuana.
The proposers reason that legalization will reduce the rate of consumption as well decrease the
number of crimes. Another claim is that with legalization more medical research will be
enhanced since marijuana has some medical properties. The opposing side dispute that
legalization would make the drug more accessible and could prove bad cognitive effects to the
economic, social and health of the USA. In their sentiments, legalization of marijuana will be
associated with extended use of hard drugs and in the ultimate; it would cause an increase in
crimes and deprivation of health, social as well economic aspects of USA. The merits (pros) and
demerits (cons) of marijuana legalization on; economics, crimes, social live and health aspect of
USA have been discussed in the deliberations asserted by this paper

Question 1

What would be the economic effects in legalizing marijuana in the USA?



Legalization of marijuana offers several economic advantages such that it allows

distribution and taxations of cannabis (Turnlund, 2011). Therefore in the absence of that
taxation the free market, the price would be low. Therefore with the more taxes from the sale of
marijuana, then the taxpayers are relieved the heavy burden of paying taxes. In the untaxed
market, cannabis would be cheap as with other leaf crops, and it might reasonably retail at the
same price of other medical herbs. Legalization would permit agriculture of hemp, a top plant in
America that is rich in biomass, protein, and oil. Legalization would also save on the
considerable economic as well social costs of the criminal prohibition system (Gerber, 2004).
The funds saved would be used to strengthen other sectors such as road and health. Other
economic importance would be derived from excise taxes, sales taxes, enforcement saving and
hemp industry. With the high demand for marijuana in USA and the imposition of the above
taxes, it is hence likely to indicate that it has enormous economic impacts on US economy.
As a consequence of the high need for marijuana, many retail shops would emerge, and
this will create employment. It would reduce the government expenses on delineations or
imprisonment. Legalization would minimize agency expenses in the criminal justice and thus
money saved would be averted to other economic activities. With legalization, the government
will save on the money it spends on formulating policies regarding marijuana use and
distribution. The US government about $167 billion a year to finance the local police, federal,
and state courts as well correction of agencies. (Holland, 2010). Hence, the money saved would
be directed to other fortunate sectors. There would be less money spent on pressing social and
public safety, hence averting saved funds to other important sectors of the economy like health


sectors. Several experts predict that the government would save about $7.7 billion per year from
the money saved from enforcement policies.
Legalization would reduce the cost medical expenses on respiratory damage from
smoking marijuana by promoting the development of better smoking filtration technology. This
technology comes with other better technology that has impacts on industries like cigarette and
alcohol industry hence promoting their efficiency and productivity. Direct and indirect job
opportunities would be generated since more people will shift to growing the crop (Morgan,
2010). It would improve other spinoff industries which would hence create more job
Legalization will result to gearing the increased use of drugs and hence it will be difficult
for addicted people to work in industries consequently losing manpower and productivity of the
US industries. Lack of manpower in the industry leads to loss of production and so economic
loss. There will be an increase in other non- criminal justice costs linked with medical, mental
health beside losses in the worker's productivity (Husak, 2005). Legalization would lead to
availability of cheap drugs and their use would increase, money wasted in buying the drug would
be used in better ways such as in business entrepreneurship. Henceforth it unquestionably will
drag back the US economy.
There are many hidden costs linked with increased use of marijuana. It will lead to
increased accidents and consequently loss of potential work force in the industries. Educating
the public about the demerits of use of this drug such as the health problems and this will cause


an increased in expenditure from the government. Medical expenses will also increase since
marijuana abuse is linked with disorders such as lung cancer, throat cancers, etc. Availability of
marijuana tends to make its supply cheap and therefore moderating the alcohol and cigarette
consumption which affects the alcohol and cigarette industries (Morgan, 2010). Use of marijuana
is a way of deteriorating the nationals health, education as well productivity; therefore,
legalization will be a big blow on the US economy in terms of poor education performance and
poor health. Legalizing Marijuana will be the driving cause of substance dependency in the US,
and this will lead to a drug dependent nation.
Question 2
How would it affect in crime?
Given the amount of the discretion enjoyed by the police and the courts in terms of how
resources are used, onwards it is possible that these resources will be directed to other crimes.
Therefore, it will allow the criminal justice to focus on more serious crimes. There will be no
arrested or else holding people in custody for processing marijuana. Therefore, a small amount
of marijuana will be treated considerably as a simple procession. There will be the elimination of
life-long criminal records on the marijuana procession arrests and sentence. There will be the
abolition of recidivists panelists for simple procession giving way for transporting and selling
small quantities of marijuana. Legalizing malijaiuna would at a great extent reduce the burden of
the American prisons system (Ruschmann, 2009). Many groups that are supporting legalization
acknowledge that it would free up the already exhausted resourced as well preserve the state


millions of dollars which would be averted to other crimes. Criminal justice agencies will
reduce in terms of enforcement as well in tasks that are linked with marijuana linked crimes.
Many authors have argued that the major impacts of legalization of marijuana in US is the
elimination of needless arrest, prosecution as well disposition of more than 700, 000 people
each year. Henceforth, the criminal justice would so concentrate on the important public safety
activities (Ruschmann, 2009). There will be minimal costs that will incurred in civil forfeiture,
drug tax stamps violation, driver license suspensions , loss of access to the federal students
loans, suspension from public housing, loss of professional licenses and many others.
Henceforward with legalization theses expense would be averted to other important activates
which are alarmed at suppressing other crimes.
Additional research has indicated that medical marijuana dispensaries might result to
reduced crimes within the immediate vanity of dispensaries. It is due to the security measures
that will be implemented by the dispensary owners. For instance by having security camera,
security guards having door men, as well having signs requesting identification (Ruschmann,
2009). Therefore legalizing marijuana according to the above sentiments does not lead to
increased crimes in the surrounding areas. Legalization does not usually lead to an increased use
of marijuana; this is according it the recent research. Husak ( 2005) in his art affirms that many
studies are supporting that legalization does not lead to increased crimes.
Legalization of marijuana will lead to more arrests because it will increase other crimes
such as rape, robbery, murder and assaults (Morgan, 2010). The author also insights that


legalizing marijuana will increase the use of other prohibited drugs such as cocaine and the
heroin consequently causing even more crimes.

Several experts have urged that increase in the

drug use increase crimes since offenders have at one time used illegal drugs, and this is the
cause of the criminal behaviors.
Another research indicates that medical marijuana laws will lead to increased crimes
since the marijuana dispensaries will provide chances for property as well other serious crimes
such as burglary, robbery, rape, and murder. Another Study has shown that after examining the
relationship between medical marijuana dispensaries as well the committed crimes, the results
have indicated that controlling the host of economic variables, there is no relationship that exists
between property or violent crimes and the medical marijuana dispensaries. (Holland, 2010).
Nevertheless this is a topic under serious debate by many American drug legalization
Question 3
What would be the social effect about legalizing marijuana?
Legalization of marijuana leads to increased use of the drug, and henceforth this increases
incidences of addiction. Drug addiction does not only affect the victim, but it has far much
reaching effects which comprise the family, friend, employers, health care professional and the
society at larger. It reduces the interactions in wider social and community groups like
colleagues, people associated with religious institutions and supervisors at school. Experts
indicate that the family is an importing point of interference that is a natural organizational for


building, transferring and fabricating community values (Ruschmann, 2009). Nevertheless these
values are demolished with increased use of drugs among family members. Those opposing
legalizations have argued that with legalization of marijuana, the family life will be affected. It is
because there will be possibility that the rest of the family might feel embarrassed or else
ashamed of the behaviors of the addict members. Addict fellows have a poor relationship with
non-addict fellows, and this reduces their social exchange. The addicted persons might be in
financial difficulties; this combined with irrational behavior; paranoia as well severe cases of
criminal behaviors lead to marital breakdown. So, if the addicts are craving for marijuana and
they are unable to satisfy that craving either due to lack of money they end in violent
disagreements with friends and families. Persons who do not abuse marijuana are greatly
affected by drug-dependent individuals. The problem is that there will be difficulties in forming
interpersonal relationships as a result of unstable relationships, insecurity, child abuse, risk of
sexual transmitted diseases and HIV infections (Husak, 2005).
Marijuana addiction affects individuals personality and behavior in several ways such
as; mental health, and this greatly affects their social life (Morgan, 2010). The most obvious
signs are individuals behaving totally out of character. The characters become deliberately
offensive, cheating, stealing, and cause self-harm making it hard to cope with the society. These
kinds of behaviors have made the drug (marijuana) users draw away from their families and
friends. The highs and lows of addiction lead to depression and anxiety and in many cases it ends
to death and misery to the associated members.


According to (Beau, 2010) experts have said that there is an objective consideration of
marijuana in the US. It is because marijuana is responsible for less damage in the society as
compared to the damages caused by alcohol and cigarettes consumption.
Question 4
How marijuana affects or benefits health?
The psychological standpoint indicates that the major health danger of heavy marijuana
use obliges to be serious complications in the repository system due to heavy smoking. Reports
indicate that more than 19% of smokers have a high risk of getting respiratory complications
(Morgan, 2010). Hence, there is a great loss linked with non-criminal justice cost associated with
medical, mental health as well loss of the workers productivity as a result of heavy drug use
(Ruschmann, 2009). However, reports have indicated that marijuana has not been linked to lower
addiction cases. It is since the addiction degrees of any kind are lower for marijuana than those
that are associated with alcohol, tobacco, and several hard drugs.
Marijuana accounts for about 4 million of the 7 million people aged 12 years with
independent status on drug abuse in the united states. Therefore, about two-thirds of the
American sufferings from substance abuse disorders are addicts of marijuana. Thus with
legalization, the number will increase and partake the numbers accounted by other drugs.
Increased use of marijuana causes mind-in effects that are evident among people who have not
used the drug before and in many young men. High doses on sensitive individual marijuana


cases paranoia. Other studies indicate that a high degree in the use of marijuana leads to memory
impairment, and the level of judgment is lowered and henceforth leading to increased violence.
According to the American cancer society smoking marijuana leads the cardiovascular
pressure, and the effeteness of the marijuana is felt after numerous repeats in consumption during
the day. This can have mood- altering implications. It also affects the patients ability to
function properly (Morgan, 2010). Prolonged use of marijuana suppresses the immune system
which has many damaging effects to numerous groups of people. Consequently, it leads to
inefficient defense against infections. Addiction causes uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms to
people who terminate smoking. It ought to cause other complications in the body and some
cases; it leads to death.
Legalization of marijuana seems to reduce the health effects caused by other drugs such
as alcohol. It is because legalization will make marijuana cheap and more available and therefore
many will turn to use marijuana. Experts in drugs have reported that marijuana has more than 60
active ingredients called cannabinoids (Boushey, 2010). The primary psychoactive chemical in
marijuana is called THC that offers the feeling of euphoria that has pain relieving property. This
property has benefits to people with chronic pains and nausea from chemotherapy as well the
painful effects of progressive disease like MS (multiple sclerosis) (Gerber, 2004). The
researchers at American academy of neurology have affirmed that medical marijuana in the
forms of pills and oral sprays spreads effectively in reducing stiffness as well muscle spasm.
It also reduces pain related to spasm as well numbness and overactive bladders. Finally, Medical


marijuana has been found to treat glaucoma that is a high pressure in the eyeball that heads to



Beau, M. (2010). Medical Marijuana. New York : Xlibris Corporation.
Boushey, G. (2010). Policy Diffusion Dynamics in America. New York : Cambridge University
Gerber, R. J. (2004). Legalizing Marijuana: Drug Policy Reform and Prohibition Politics. New
York : Greenwood Publishing Group.
Holland, J. (2010). The Pot Book: A Complete Guide to Cannabis. New York : Inner Traditions /
Bear & Co
Husak, D. (2005). The Legalization of Drugs. New York : Cambridge University Press.
Morgan, K. (2010). Legalizing Marijuana. New York : ABDO.
Ruschmann, P. (2009). Legalizing Marijuana. New York: Infobase Publishing.
Turnlund, E. (2011). Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana. New York : GRIN Verlag.

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