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Activity #5: Genre Analysis Peer Review

Either in class or online, exchange your draft with one or two classmates. Use the following
prompts to provide feedback.
1. Paraphrase and evaluate the paper's thesis statement.
The security at the airports in the United States has change to be more rigid and people are
now questioning it.
2. Does the paper identify two distinct genres? If so, what are they? If not, suggest a genre that
could help the author of the paper revise.
Yes, 1.- Article
2.- Video

3. Select one of the three rhetorical appeals, and explain how the author of the paper could
improve his or her discussion of that appeal.
He does not explain the rhetorical appeal that well but I understand that the video its Ethos and
the Article its Pathos.

4. Select one of the rhetorical appeals, and explain what is successful about the paper's
discussion of that appeal.
He says that the video does not have to used any words but just show how it works that help me
a lot to understand that its not trying to convince me but just to show me how it works nothing to
debate there.

5. Identify one grammatical issue within the paper, and explain how to correct it.

6. Explain one more way that the paper could be improved.

I would like more quotes from the article to understand more how was the article.

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