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Activity #1: Past Experiences in Public Speaking

Sometimes it is a good idea to examine past experiences in order to improve and analyze what
you could have done differently. Write a short reflection using these questions to assist you:

1. What was an occasion where you made a presentation or spoke publicly?

When I took public speaking at NMSU.

2. Did you have a good or bad experience? Why? Explain.

I thought I was going great, but because of my accent some people did not understand
completely, so that affect a little in my confidence, and I started to forget a little the presentation
and stutter.

3. If you had to do it over, what would you do differently?

Practice more the presentation and record myself saying it so I can see when I dont pronounce
it good enough.

4. How do you think you could make your next public speaking event a more memorable
and fulfilling one?
If I practice more and articulate more, everybody would understand me, and I would say
it with more confidence and not stutter in many parts of the presentation.

Next, share your reflection with one of your classmates. After you read each others reflections discuss
ideas on how to better tackle a presentation.

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