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Annotated Bibliography

Kids Cove Playground, Virginia Beach, Virginia. (2011). Parks & Recreation, 46(2), 18-20

This periodical is mainly about the Kids Cove Playground in Virginia Beach, built and
funded by volunteers, being rebuilt by the city to meet ADA requirements. The design
and materials used for the new playground differs the one built by all the volunteers.

This periodical will be able to answer my research question of consequence. The most
important section of the periodical is the part that the author explains how this
playground, failing to meet ADA requirements, is built from the ground up with a new
design and materials. This periodical is important to my research because it shows how
the new playgrounds are different than those before the ADA regulations. Although this
periodical is informative it doesnt have enough information to answer all my research
questions. It is not biased and only informs the audience of what the important facts were
around the story which ensures I only retrieve validated information from the periodical.

Omnispin spinner [Web]. (2014). Retrieved from

This video is mainly to show new ADA approved playground equipment. It shows a
spinner that is being used by children along with a little girl that can transfer from her

wheelchair to the play component. The children, especially the little girl, seem to be
enjoying the ride and be safe.

This article will be able to answer my research question of value. The most important part
of this video is the section where the little girl in the wheelchair is able to play with the
rest of the children without any problems or reminders that she is different. This video is
important to my research because one can see how a child, like the little girl, can benefit
from playing with other children without any obstacles. Although this video is great it is
short and cannot give me the rest of the information I need to complete my research.

Our Mission and Vision. (2013). Retrieved October 27, 2014, from

This website is stating what the concept of a barrier-free playground is. This is a
website of a non-profit organization wanting to include all children in playing together
and how that can be done by having accessible play areas.

This website will help me by answering my research question of definition. The most
important part of this website is the about us section. This website is important because it
shows that anyone can start a non-profit and help out the children develop. It also shows
what the concept is behind a barrier-free play area this website is informative but it is
only trying to sell me their product of building an accessible playground. It is an

organizations website so it is also informative. It doesnt give me all the information in

need but it will help me define a barrier-free playground.

Prellwitz, M., & Skr, L. (2007). Usability of playgrounds for children with different abilities.
144-155. doi: 10.1002/oti.230

This article is mainly to inform the audience how inadequately built playgrounds for all
children can affect them by limiting interaction and development of certain skills. The
authors of this article researched the social and physical challenges children with and
without different abilities face with inadequate playgrounds.

This article will be able to answer to answer my research question of interpretation. The
most important part of this article is the childrens views of the playgrounds. This article
is essential to my research because it will be able to show the need for new and better
built playgrounds because of the effects it has to childrens development. This article is
great because it is very relevant and also recent. Although this article is very technical
and informative it only shows the effect the children have and will not suffice to
complete my research.

Prellwitz, M., & Tamm, M. (1999). Attitudes of Key Persons to Accessibility Problems in
Playgrounds for Children with Restricted Mobility: A Study in a Medium-sized
Municipality in Northern Sweden. Scandinavian Journal Of Occupational Therapy, 6(4),
166-173. doi:10.1080/110381299443645

This scholarly journal is mainly about a the barriers that are around creating a playground
for all of the children. The interviews of the people in charge of building the playgrounds
show some problems, as well as the parents and the children themselves.

This scholarly journal will be able to answer my research question of interpretation. The
most important section of this article is the interviews of all the people affected by
inadequate playgrounds. This article is important to my research because it show how the
old playgrounds are affecting the parents by having to be hovering their children at all
times, how other children get discouraged from playing because they feel bad excluding
other children, and how financially it is challenging to build. This article is very
informative of how difficult it is for people that dont have adequate playgrounds but it
doesnt answer all of my research questions.

Thompson, D., Hudson, S. D., & Bowers, L. (2002). Play Areas and the ADA: Providing Access
and Opportunities for All Children. JOPERD: The Journal Of Physical Education,
Recreation & Dance, 73(2), 37.

This article is mainly to inform the audience about what the ADA is and how their
regulations have changed to better the play experience for every child. The authors of this
article researched the policies the ADA has made and how this has altered the
playgrounds under its regulations.

This article will be able to answer my research question of policy. The most important
sections of this article is the details and regulations the ADA has placed on playgrounds
under its regulation. This article is essential because it will help my research by providing
some background information that can give some sense to people who do not know some
terminology. Although this article is great to answer my question of policy it will not be
able to answer any other since it is missing essential information to my research. This is a
great article because it is recent and very relevant.

1008 Play Areas. (2010.). Retrieved October 27, 2014, from

This website is just stating the regulations on playgrounds set by the ADA and the
Department of Justice (DOJ). This section of the regulations pertains only to the play
areas which is what my main focus is in.

This website is helping me answer my research question of policy. The most important
section of this website is section 1008 Play Areas. This website is important to my
research because it lets me know all of the policies a playground today has to follow in
order to be in compliance with the ADA and the DOJ. This website is very informative
and important but it only shows me the policies for play areas and doesnt help with the
other sections of my research. The web page is reliable because it is a government
website and is used to inform.

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