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PAMDISS: A Way to Reflect upon Your Own Prose

Purpose: The purpose of my research paper was to take the readers on a religious journey
throughout history and lead them directly to the south. Although my paper was highly off topic. My
paper ran through history instead of discussing how the south affected America as a whole. I used
the serpent as a religious symbol and related it to the south but neglected to relate it to the southern

Audience: My audience was intended to be people who had no clue on theology or theological
symbolism. Perhaps in my final revision I could discuss how the religious snake symbol
influenced the south and how the southern influence affects America as a whole.

Mode (exposition, argumentation, narration, or description): In my Paper #2 I definitely use

description. I describe biblical stories and I give very strong details that make the reader almost
see a visual snake throughout the paper as I take them on a journey throughout time.

Diction: I use alliteration to delineate that this is a similar journey. As I take the readers through
time I want them to see the it is the same slithering snake that is touching each culture. In my
final revision I will discuss how when the snake touched southern culture it impacted America.

Images/Concrete Details: My Paper is full of imagery of biblical stories and modern tales of the
snake. How could you take the readers on a journey if they cannot visualize what you write? I
kept this question in mind while I was writing. Also this was my most passionate paper because I
am very passionate about theology and conspiracy.

Syntax: So I used the slithering characteristic of a snake to form my sentences by imploring

alliteration and longer sentences I wanted the readers to feel like the journey was long and
mysterious. My paper definitely would keep anyone interested and the reader would finish my
paper having learned a lot.

Structure: the structure of my paper was the most important part but it was also the most
challenging part because I needed to use the shape of the snake to draft my paper and my
concept. I needed to use the oscillating movements of a snake to take my readers into different
cultures and finally I needed to use the characteristic symbolism of the snake to convince my
readers that deceptiveness along with the other traits mentioned in my paper contributed to the
entire structure. In a way a lot could be derived from the structure of my paper.

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