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PAMDISS: A Way to Reflect upon Your Own Prose

Purpose: The purpose of the essay was to capture my reflections on the south and how it has
affected me.

Audience: The audience of this paper was anyone who could relate to American culture.

Mode (exposition, argumentation, narration, or description): My paper was a narration. I

narrated a journey through my own mind as a black female.

Diction: The word choice I used is to delineate disgust and melancholy as I reflect upon my
familys southern struggle to move from the south to the north. The word choice used was brutal
and cold just so that the reader could see how brutal and cold life was for blacks back then.

Images/Concrete Details: My paper was full of imagery as I took my mothers words and
documented them. I found out things from my mother that I never thought I would know. It was
heart throbbing and disturbing all the things my family went to and how my mother overcame all
those obstacles so that I and my sister could live free.

Syntax: Dialogue was my method of syntax. I used stories and diction to elaborate on my family
struggles. I wanted to show the world how the old south treated blacks.

Structure: My narratives starts with how I began my journey into my family tree with a phone
call to my mother. I then introduce myself so the readers can literally get personal with me
during this sensitive time. Then I dive into a melodramatic and tragic story that wrenched my
heart the first time that I heard it. Finally I end with an overcoming statement.

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