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Sterling Gates

How does one get a Concussion?

Concussions occur when the brain is violently hit against the inner side of the head by a sudden
jolt or the head hitting against a object. The brain is allowed to move due to brain fluid, also known as
Cerebrospinal fluid. A concussion can occur at any point of the brain, and depending on the damage
can have different side effects.

What do helmets do?

A helmet Is used to prevent the force of an impact fracturing the skull, but most helmets do not prevent
the brain from smashing against the inside of the skull. A helmet nowadays have a certain technology
to make the brain not run up against the inside of the skull, thus preventing injury better than helmets
in the past.

Why do you need a helmet for swimming??

For swimming I believe we should somehow create a swim cap that acts like a helmet in the water. Even though it does not
happen much, while swimming there are multiple ways to get hit in the head. You can get kicked in the head, dive in the water
wrong and hit your head, hit the wall with your head, etc. Many swimmers have gotten concussions from the sport and have had
trouble preventing it.

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