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Alaina Clement

Professor Franklin
ENC 1102
12 December 2014
Process Paper
Why This Medium?
I felt like a powerpoint was the only way that I could make a tangible flow chart. The
things that go through my African-American mind are so painful and real that a powerpoint was
the only method that I could think of that could embody my mental imagery and my emotions.
This was one of my more personal papers that I could actually reflect upon. The things that my
family went through were obviously in chronological order so I thought that a powerpoint could
delineate the fram of reference quite well. The Powerpoint was to be a visual aid in my thought
journey throughout my mind. When I am asked to reflect on the south I think of terrible things. I
almost want to apologize to all southerners because of the way that my brain is conditioned. I
think I have seen too many movies or just heard too many bad stories but this is what I think. I
took an unapologetic approach that had a unforgiving tone. There were things said that made the
reader feel like my mind could not be changed. So in a way I took total advantage of this
personal narrative. The feelings that are evoked when I see pictues of the old south make me so
upset; therefore, I thought it right to put those types of pictures into my Radical Revision. I
wanted my Radical Revision to be disturbing and contagious because those are the feelings that I
get when I think about the south.
At first when I started to draft this paper I was so lost because I am not originally from
the south and I have not even lived in the south. I dont see any differences in the south vs. the
north other than the weather. To me the modern south is just America, the culture is exactly the

Alaina Clement
Professor Franklin
ENC 1102
12 December 2014
Process Paper
Why This Medium?
same so moving down here to Tallahassee was not like moving to China or some exotic place. I
do not consider Tallahasse or any part of Florida to be apart of the south just because personally
it doent feel southern. Southern America to me is just America anywhere, we speak the same
language and we all live in America. Writing about the south in this class was like writing about
America because everything that southerners do, northerners, easterners, and westerners do as
Due to my feelings on the modern south not being too different in its effects on the modern
world I focused my attention on the Old South which was known for harsh brutality toward my
kind. I wanted to knock the reader out with a punch of realism and a dose of reality. I wanted the
reader to feel uncomfortable so I made myself vulnerable.

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